Ghost’s Heavy sucks

I know she’s an amazing champ, but the WORST thing about her is using a heavy that you think was pulled off just fine because it got in the first hit, only to have the second hit fall short and leave her vulnerable to the opponent that has already recovered. It just sucks.
Please fix this.
Please fix this.
Same here, parry heavy is 100% reliable but counter heavy is not.
It usually happens when you throw her heavy from distance to counter their heavy. @PandamanPete made a vid:
They acknowledged it and tried to fix it but it’s still broken and now hasn't been acknowledged in months.
You should start to counter SPs with your heavys. It will ramp your damage up a lot. Its a nice thing to practise
AM has the same issue on his sp1 too. If you try to land it at the end of a combo it misses completely more than half the time.