Nick Fury v Elsa Bloodstone

So i know nick fury is a bad matchup (due to first hand experience, i should read first) to use against Elsa, but I just tried him and experienced something i’m thinking is a bug but could just be the most BS interaction ever. I went into the fight with 2% HP thinking I’d activate the real nick fury and then do the perma-intel to counter evade.
I hit the real nick fury phase from her degen (again, should’ve read her abilities) and then he just died. Immediately. He didn’t go back to 100% HP and start his degen from there. He got back up to 5% HP and degen’d out. I see that while bleeding Elsa causes a degen and passive heal block, but I didn’t think Nick’s regen could be heal blocked? Can anyone else confirm if this is a bug? I can’t find anything in Nick’s sig description to say it’s immune to heal block, but I could’ve sworn....
I hit the real nick fury phase from her degen (again, should’ve read her abilities) and then he just died. Immediately. He didn’t go back to 100% HP and start his degen from there. He got back up to 5% HP and degen’d out. I see that while bleeding Elsa causes a degen and passive heal block, but I didn’t think Nick’s regen could be heal blocked? Can anyone else confirm if this is a bug? I can’t find anything in Nick’s sig description to say it’s immune to heal block, but I could’ve sworn....
Nick Fury signature clearly says it cannot be Affected by Ability Reduction. And its a Decoy and not a Regen!
Elsa puts Heal Block on Nick Fury and stops him from using his DECOY MODE. This is a Bug because Nick Fury Decoy is not a REGEN....its a Real Nick appearing after Decoy is finished. So please explain how can ELSA heal block or even a WARLOCK can Counter it???
No matter how many virus you put on Fury, they're all removed at once when Fury's signature triggered.
BTW, you can smack NF with a Heal block right after he triggers LMD (removing all debuffs), and right as it starts to heal, and it will prevent stop the healing. Done it twice with Mag's L2, others with a quick heal block could also do it with good timing.