Thoughts on Spider Gwen

So I recently pulled a 5* spider Gwen and I have to say... She is really damn good and fun to play , I feel like she is underrated as a champion 🤔after her buff she is pretty damn good , is she God tier ?? Hmm it's definitely food for thought what does everyone else think that have actually played her ?
Since the buff she's really fun to play and has some really nice utility. Her animations have always been brilliant so it's great that she's now a useful character to have.
First thing to mention is her slow debuff. This is a relatively new debuff but it can be very useful. To 'slow' your opponent you just need to hit them with a heavy attack, this is easy to do because she has a lot of range making the heavy counter technique really simple. No real need to parry, although that is an alternative if you prefer. This debuff will prevent unstoppable buffs from activating as well as giving her the ability to ignore auto evade, also has quite a long duration of 15 seconds and is very easy to refresh. The only downside to this is that it won't work against anyone with a class advantage on her.
Spider-sense charges can be quite important, especially if you're using the Gwenom rising synergy. This synergy only benefits Gwen and can be activated by any of the following champions: Venom, Carnage, Venom the Duck, Symbiote Supreme. Each Spider-Sense charge will increase her attack by 10% if Gwenom Rising is active on the team so building these up can make her damage increase significantly, especially at higher ranks. As a bonus, she will start the fight with 3 extra charges when fighting characters of the Superior Class (Maestro, collector etc.). So, with the Gwenom synergy you'll begin the fight with 4 charges, which means you start with a 40% attack boost essentially. Later in the fight you’ll be able to increase that to 60% (Very effective against nameless Thanos AQ if you're looking for regular usage. If you're looking to become uncollected she would also be very helpful against the collector in Act 5.2). You don’t need to have the Gwenom synergy active on your team to start with 3 extra charges, this will happen with or without that synergy.
Assuming you aren't utilising the synergy each Spider-Sense charge will grant you a 7% chance to evade incoming attacks unless you are trying to block. The trick is to try and combine dexterity with her auto evade to avoid the tricky specials, similar to how Stark Spider-Man works. Her evade chance is increased by 550% when the opponent uses an unblockable special attack, the maximum chance for her auto evade is at 5 charges which is 35% (as a side note this will be halved if you are using the Gwenom synergy). With a 550% increase that results in a 192% chance to evade so you’re completely safe if you just let go and trust the AI. Final things to mention with these charges is that each one increases her attack by X attack rating and she can nullify the opponent's true strike buffs and gain a charge that way. To nullify a true strike buff, she needs to use an auto evade. Really useful for defence as it limits who can counter her.
You can pause hunter and trap spider modes in a number of ways, these are:
\-Evade an attack (0.5 seconds)
\-Land a combo ending attack (0.5 seconds)
\-Using a special attack will pause them for the full duration
Special attacks:
All 3 of her special attacks are very useful. Some provide excellent utility whilst others massively improve her damage output. Using each one in the right scenario makes her a flexible attacker who can deal with quite a lot of tricky opponents.
SP1- Best way to build up Spider-Sense charges, you get one every time you use this attack until you're maxed out. The cap is 5 which is increased to 6 with the Gwenom synergy active on the team. SP1 also activates trap spider mode which is a passive effect. Trap spider mode increases your critical damage rating and gives you a 30% chance to apply enervate debuffs on every attack. You can be very aggressive with her since they won't be gaining power when enervate is active.
SP2- Full of utility. You have a guaranteed paralyse debuff from this attack which does 3 important things. It will stun the opponent for 4 seconds as well as reducing their power rate and regeneration by 80%. Should be enough time to land a lot of free hits. This may even reverse healing slightly if your despair is maxed and you place another debuff whilst paralyse is active.
SP3- This is where the big damage comes from. SP3 activates hunter spider mode which can massively increase your damage output. It lasts for 18 seconds (remember you can pause this) and each attack will apply an extra 55% of the damage dealt as direct physical damage. At a high enough rank this could be really impressive, especially if the Gwenom synergy is active. Hunter spider mode is passive and can't be nullified.
Signature ability:
At a high signature level this can be quite a big boost to the character, these are the stats for a sig 200 Spider-Gwen:
\-Slow debuff will last an extra 3 seconds
\- Her paralyse debuff will reduce power gain and healing by an extra 70% allowing her to reverse healing and power gain, hitting the opponent should drain their power.
\-Her Spider-Sense charges give her 134.04 critical damage each
\-Hunter spider and trap spider modes are both extended by 45%