Version 13.1 Discussion Thread



  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    To everyone who posted about parry, the timing is slightly different but parries are easy to land once you get the new timing down. It's still tougher ham it used to be though
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    R96 wrote: »
    Absolutely pathetic!!! I wasted two carbonadiums on double edge only and only for cable and now u stat that his degen triggering from double edge was a bug and got removed???? How can u do this?? Any bleed should trigger his degen! This is absolutely pathetic! Why dont you mention these earlier before we waste our items??? I want a compensation for those carbos.

    It was always a bug. It was fixed once and it returned.
  • CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Guest, Member Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    edited May 2017
    Does anyone else think that Cyclops's new ability seems more like an Iron Fist thing? He hits hard, but Cyclops really doesn't. I would get this on SP moves I guess, but not throughout the entire gameplay. Iron Fist also needs buffed, so this ability should be moved over to him.
  • partywithkaitopartywithkaito Member Posts: 1
    Looks like it's not in this update, but can you give any kind of update to the 5☆ Unstoppable Colossus issue where unstoppable isn't staying on after special attacks as far as if it's being looked into or if it's planned on being fixed soon or etc.?
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    hifans808 wrote: »
    Glad to see the war defender kill bug fixed finally.

    But as an officer, when I am trying to rearrange champions in other BG's that I am not in, I can't see the list of members any more or the champions they have.

    I can see who joined on the pre-spectate page, but once I am in the map, the triangle symbol that allowed me to see who was in the war group & what power their champs are is no longer there.

    Is this also going to be fixed?

    Yes! Sorry, it seems that notes on that one were over simplified and only included the Defender Kills, but it's all of the missing information that disappeared with 13.0
  • Ranger1914Ranger1914 Member Posts: 22
    @Kabam Miike or any admin
    What is the deal with the Red hulks "physical resistance" seems to be extremely op the only way to do more than 50-60 damage is with a crit hit or bleed shouldn't crossbones overrun override it? I had 7 furry up still could not get beter than 110 damage with r5 CB vs red hulk node 35 aQ map 4 only 4K rating vs my 6k. Tested against high dual targets same problem across all champs only Way to really hurt him is with a critical hit or bleed. Is this normal? I have never had a problem fighting him in the past been playing over a year a high level please advise is this a glitch? the new normal?
  • RB6942RB6942 Member Posts: 72
    Btw, I do understand not every update is perfect and there will be small glitches here and there. BUT, when it's something that is kind of a big glitch and costs people money and it takes a week or two or three to's just pretty ****.
  • RaaRaa Member Posts: 318 ★★
    Ranger1914 wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike or any admin
    What is the deal with the Red hulks "physical resistance" seems to be extremely op the only way to do more than 50-60 damage is with a crit hit or bleed shouldn't crossbones overrun override it? I had 7 furry up still could not get beter than 110 damage with r5 CB vs red hulk node 35 aQ map 4 only 4K rating vs my 6k. Tested against high dual targets same problem across all champs only Way to really hurt him is with a critical hit or bleed. Is this normal? I have never had a problem fighting him in the past been playing over a year a high level please advise is this a glitch? the new normal?

    Same in map3 section2
  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    eXtripa69 wrote: »
    Happy to see some good changes here!
    Civil Warrior will become more OP too!

    1- It was stated that these update would get a fix for the crashes. Is this really included in the update?

    2 - Hyperion doesn't have a cosmic overcharge mode anymore. Is the team aware of this?

    3 - Now that you changed Civil Warrior ... Will he change in the Labyrinth too? Or will he be an exception like Rhino in RoL?

    1- Like all of our builds, we do optimizations that we hope will help all of our players with crashes. We've made such optimizations in this build too, so we're hoping that this will fix some crashing issues for some of our players.

    2 - The team is aware, but this information came in too late for us to get a fix together in time for this build We're already working on a fix for the problem though.

    3- The Civil Warrior in the Labyrinth will NOT have these updates, except for the fact that his Sig Ability will be more effective against mutants.

    From the bottom of my heart, thanks for fixing cyclops! I never lose faith in you Kabam, you made my day!
  • RaaRaa Member Posts: 318 ★★
    edited May 2017
    Hope that fix brings me a 5* hulk tomorrow
  • R96R96 Member Posts: 27
    R96 wrote: »
    Absolutely pathetic!!! I wasted two carbonadiums on double edge only and only for cable and now u stat that his degen triggering from double edge was a bug and got removed???? How can u do this?? Any bleed should trigger his degen! This is absolutely pathetic! Why dont you mention these earlier before we waste our items??? I want a compensation for those carbos.

    It was always a bug. It was fixed once and it returned.

    Its not logical bleeding is bleeding how do u say it was always a bug????
  • TytanMaximusTytanMaximus Member Posts: 3
    All this is fine and good but they said they fixed everything going from 12.0 to 12.1 and since that update most of us have spent potions, units and resources to stay competitive within alliance wars and quests.

    Why can't they come out and say hey we screwed the last one up but we care about the players so we will make it right.

    I have reached my respective limits with the excuses and the constant money grab that the game has become. If this doesn't fix the issues then I am done with the game all together.

    We all spent time and/or money to get champs and everytime we get the champs the way we want them, here come the bugs or the nerfs....... I am saddened that a company worth what they are worth cannot fix the gaming issues and make it right!
  • NoobeeusNoobeeus Member Posts: 332 ★★
    Ranger1914 wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike or any admin
    What is the deal with the Red hulks "physical resistance" seems to be extremely op the only way to do more than 50-60 damage is with a crit hit or bleed shouldn't crossbones overrun override it? I had 7 furry up still could not get beter than 110 damage with r5 CB vs red hulk node 35 aQ map 4 only 4K rating vs my 6k. Tested against high dual targets same problem across all champs only Way to really hurt him is with a critical hit or bleed. Is this normal? I have never had a problem fighting him in the past been playing over a year a high level please advise is this a glitch? the new normal?

    Maybe start a thread in the 'Bugs' section
  • MalekithMalekith Member Posts: 29
    Ghost rider and AA connect on heavies and whiff the last hit.
    Multi hit specials connect and the ai recovers before it finishes. This is I'm sure connected to the problems players have connecting on specials due to the accelerated recovery time.
    These are bugs that have been reported but not acknowledged to my knowledge. What gives? How do I report something and get verification that it's seen/investigated?
  • RaaRaa Member Posts: 318 ★★
    Malekith wrote: »
    Ghost rider and AA connect on heavies and whiff the last hit.
    Multi hit specials connect and the ai recovers before it finishes. This is I'm sure connected to the problems players have connecting on specials due to the accelerated recovery time.
    These are bugs that have been reported but not acknowledged to my knowledge. What gives? How do I report something and get verification that it's seen/investigated?

    I've got Ghostrider and everytime i try that regen its a risk, the AI doesnt get hit with the last part and i get comboed. Thanks for bringing that up.
  • DiegoVDiegoV Member Posts: 39
    karnak focus bug?
  • NoobeeusNoobeeus Member Posts: 332 ★★
    RB6942 wrote: »
    Wow shocking, nothing about parry...even thou everyone has been saying something has been wrong with it or is this another "working as intended"? Actually, I don't even think I've seen an admin acknowledge that there was an issue.

    Not shocking, no mention of compensation for the evade and parry bug, even thou this has effected summoners high and low and cost everyone revives and health pots at one point or another.

    Now I shutter to think how many more new bugs will be in the new update, because the past has shown over and over again... for every 1 thing that is fixed, a few new bugs will be spawned. Lol but I really have to say, I love how issues that make people spend take forever to be fixed, but then when there are issues that save people money- it's fixed immediately.

    I think the problem with this is that it doesn't affect everyone.

    I don't have any issues with Parry and only 2 or 3 of my alliance members have mentioned a problem.

    The evade issue again doesn't affect everyone. I can only imagine trying to replicate a bug that isn't global can be problematic.
  • kish_akish_a Member Posts: 21
    edited May 2017
    awesome.. finally gud to hear ur fixing the bugs that plagued us since last update .. and guys .. for once lets be supportive .. i like the changes .. sooo many things fixed in this update

    nevertheless ... there is more work to be done .. but lets just appreciate the work being done in this fix
  • becauseicantbecauseicant Member Posts: 414 ★★★
    edited May 2017

    • Fixed an issue where Doctor Voodoo’s dash back distance was shorter than other Champions

    Does this fix include the other champs with short back dashes (Archangel, Mordo, and Rogue) or is it just Voodoo? If so any idea when those two will be fixed?

  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    R96 wrote: »
    R96 wrote: »
    Absolutely pathetic!!! I wasted two carbonadiums on double edge only and only for cable and now u stat that his degen triggering from double edge was a bug and got removed???? How can u do this?? Any bleed should trigger his degen! This is absolutely pathetic! Why dont you mention these earlier before we waste our items??? I want a compensation for those carbos.

    It was always a bug. It was fixed once and it returned.

    Its not logical bleeding is bleeding how do u say it was always a bug????

    When he is caused to Bleed. Not self-inflicted.
  • NonuNonu Member Posts: 28
    edited May 2017
    i'm going to start Labyrinth of Legends in a few weeks when i've saved enough units,is the Civil Warrior in Labyrinth getting buffed as well???
  • SlysparkSlyspark Member Posts: 2
    Are you ever going to fix 5* UC's unstoppable? He starts the fight with unstoppable foe the duration concurrent to his signature ability level but when you use a special it wears off immediately so he's never unstoppable.
  • MalekithMalekith Member Posts: 29
    Slyspark wrote: »
    Are you ever going to fix 5* UC's unstoppable? He starts the fight with unstoppable foe the duration concurrent to his signature ability level but when you use a special it wears off immediately so he's never unstoppable.

    Fixed during last emergency maintenance.
  • CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Guest, Member Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    Nonu wrote: »
    i'm going to start Labyrinth of Legends in a few weeks when i've saved enough units,is the Civil Warrior in Labyrinth getting buffed as well???

    Miike answered this awhile back. He will not be updated outside of the increased effectiveness of his signature ability against Mutants.
  • CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Guest, Member Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    To be honest, usually when Kabam fixes something they secretly nerf 10 things or just straight create additional bugs.

    Put revives in the milestones and the glory store.We know theres a plan, since you had to fix a bug that made you millions. So please allow us to gather aq and aw revives for free again.

    Also for all the pain you bestowed on us, how about a little forgiveness and let us have the gold realm back to stay.

    Kabam doesn't purposely implant bugs. No company purposely implants bugs. That's stupid. Why would a company drive away companies on purpose? Updates create bugs. It's not intentional, it just happens. Don't say they do it on purpose. You have no evidence.
  • Banshee_KLXBanshee_KLX Member Posts: 7
    FINALLY!!! ....Happy to see you fixed karnak sp1 and the dashing and the alliance war defender kills preview is fixed
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