Wasp, Dr. Doom v Mysterio - passive stun vs passive heal block

Hi Support,
On 20th November an announce has been made regarding Wasp and Dr. Doom's passive stun issue on Stun immune nodes (immune debuff nodes)

This has been sorted now with the new update.
My question is:
Will Mysterio's passive heal block on immune debuff nodes also be resolved? I assume Mysterio's passive heal block should be the same scenario as Wasp or Doom's passive stun.
Please find below example: Mysterio vs Rhino on immune debuff node from RTTL 4.5

Many thanks,
Kind Regards
On 20th November an announce has been made regarding Wasp and Dr. Doom's passive stun issue on Stun immune nodes (immune debuff nodes)

This has been sorted now with the new update.
My question is:
Will Mysterio's passive heal block on immune debuff nodes also be resolved? I assume Mysterio's passive heal block should be the same scenario as Wasp or Doom's passive stun.
Please find below example: Mysterio vs Rhino on immune debuff node from RTTL 4.5

Many thanks,
Kind Regards
It will not work on heal block immunity scenarios. For example, it shouldn't work against The Champion, when deffensing or attacking the final node of a quest
Buffs and Debuffs can be distinguished by the light ring the have around them, like the one on Rhino's Fury in the screenshot you shared. Passive Effects, like the Heal Block Passive in the picture, do not have a ring like that around them.
Why is this happening or is it a bug?