Variant 4 DPX Fundamentals Node

So the node Fundamentals is bugged.
At 3 bars it says charging heavy does 1% of his attack as damage.
Now it seems charging heavy is doing possibly 100% of his attack as damage.
Using r5/65 Hyperion at 44% health and DPX at 3 bars trying to bide my time to get to sp2 to intercept him and he charges a heavy and i drop dead.
Revived and went in again and got to 3 bars with 30% health and as soon as he charges a heavy i die.
1% of his attack should be around 190 Damage but its doing over 10k of damage atleast
sorry no video footage to help with this
At 3 bars it says charging heavy does 1% of his attack as damage.
Now it seems charging heavy is doing possibly 100% of his attack as damage.
Using r5/65 Hyperion at 44% health and DPX at 3 bars trying to bide my time to get to sp2 to intercept him and he charges a heavy and i drop dead.
Revived and went in again and got to 3 bars with 30% health and as soon as he charges a heavy i die.
1% of his attack should be around 190 Damage but its doing over 10k of damage atleast
sorry no video footage to help with this
Something is definitely wrong with the node.
I had R5 ghost at about 50%hp and she dropped dead as soon as he charged his heavy.
Didn't recorded the fights as no has mentioned this issue by then.
also i took a screen shot of the video
which shows 9k damage, which is a lot more then 1% of his attack
We are working on getting this visual error corrected within the game as soon as possible apologize for the confusion.
At least others can see the correct description and approach that fight differently, so thanks for getting it looked at and updated.
Had i known i would of used a different tactic instead of trying to punish the heavy and saved on potions and revives.