Why CAPIW’s Petrify is not working for power gain

Is this intended or a bug? Or this was always like this? Sig ability says %25 petrify. We all know what petrify is. Void and Shehulk can reverse the power gain or healing process. Why this is not FULLY working for capiw?
Please at least say something. Tell me this is intended or not intended. Petrify debuff is explained in other champs crystal clear, why capiw can’t slow stop or reverse power gain with this debuff?
I recorded a video that even 5 petrifies don’t reduce, reverse or even slow DS’s power gain.
5 petrifies are not reversing his power gain, not even slowing.
Here’s a lil gif from that vid
Tech synergy ✅
Max sig ✅
@Kabam Zibiit
No extra power gain
No spite is triggered during the fight. Check the vid and decide yourselves. Thank you for your interest btw.
@Kabam Zibiit here is my video. This is a 5/65 Cap IW S200 with a science, cosmic and tech champion on the team. This is the Doctor Strange in the Halls of Heroes quest. He has no additional nodes.