Anniversary deals?



  • RoninManRoninMan Member Posts: 747 ★★★★
    There are 3 champs in that pool that I would be thrilled to get from a basic, OG Thor, Quake, and Electro. I wouldn’t spend $100 to guarantee any of them though. Maybe $100 to guarantee a 6* Quake if she existed.
  • NojokejaymNojokejaym Member Posts: 4,127 ★★★★★

    Hey all,

    Thank you all for your feedback. We understand that this offer is not going to appeal to everybody. The selection of Champions contained in the crystals is not random, though. Each Champion included is a unique part of the history of Marvel Contest of Champions, and has been significant to the game or Community in one way or another.

    Can you guess why each of them were included? I can start it off with Blade: The Community spread the word far and wide, "Save for Blade!".

    So you’re telling me cyclops and groot are what the community like lol
  • BuffalaxBuffalax Member Posts: 132
    The deal was bad and the attempt at legitimizing it is laughable. I hope nobody is desperate or stupid enough to shell out money for this.
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  • WillieBWillieB Member Posts: 151 ★★
    I would seriously wonder if even one person buys this offer. I have a hard time believing that anyone will.
  • GimmeCullGimmeCull Member Posts: 52
    edited December 2019
    Those deals are an utter joke.

    Pricing is disgusting aswell.

    Seriously, who is going to have that kind of money at christmas?

    December is the month of the year that I am struggling the most with finances.

    Pretty sure I'm not the only one in this boat aswell.

    It needs to be a much better deal than this to tempt me. This is a bah humbug offer.
  • Soar2878Soar2878 Member Posts: 143 ★★
    It is a terrible deal. The only people that will buy it are those impulse buyers that are struggling to get 5 star characters. I will cross my fingers for them getting someone that they want and not one of the numerous characters that are just terrible.
  • LightvayneLightvayne Member Posts: 527 ★★★
    edited December 2019
    While I get the Idea behind the crystal. I do not get that price. I know the deal was not meant for everyone, but unless you are a brand new player, with only 1* and 2* champs and are super impatient to get through acts 1-4, and like wasting your parents money, I see no one getting this.

    I was kinda hoping for the day you'd sell a 5* champ for $1 again :P Now THAT was a good gift.
  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★
    This is a horrid deal lol, I saw the champ list and thought, wow, pretty bad pool, but I don’t mind spending the 19.99 for a shot at torch, but then I saw that it’s a hundred bucks. Yeah right! I don’t care what the story behind the champs in the pool is, this crystal is about 80 dollars too much and even it’ll still be pricey. I can’t imagine that you’re gonna make more money off this deal with this price than if you sold it for 20 bucks
  • RemeliRemeli Member Posts: 608 ★★★
    Maybe they meant "you get all those champs" for 100$. That would almost be worth it...maybe.
  • TRETRE Member Posts: 66

    Hey all,

    Thank you all for your feedback. We understand that this offer is not going to appeal to everybody. The selection of Champions contained in the crystals is not random, though. Each Champion included is a unique part of the history of Marvel Contest of Champions, and has been significant to the game or Community in one way or another.

    Can you guess why each of them were included? I can start it off with Blade: The Community spread the word far and wide, "Save for Blade!".

    In your first sentence, I think you meant to type “ANYBODY” instead “EVERYBODY”!
  • Cranky_TrumpCranky_Trump Member Posts: 263
    Deacon03 said:

    Rocket - first champ to have an SP3 against him with specific graphics
    Karnak - first champ to have the need for 2 different Cats
    Civil Warrior & Gulli - MCOC made champions
    Star-Lord - Champion used to complete ROL and LOL
    Electro - First champ to have dmg to be dealt back to the champ upon hitting them
    Hood - First champ with invisibility
    Human Torch - first Pre Fight ability
    Crossbones - first champ to possibly convert debuffs into buffs

    @Kabam Miike how did i do

    Morningstar - First persistent ability
  • RoninManRoninMan Member Posts: 747 ★★★★

    Hey all,

    Thank you all for your feedback. We understand that this offer is not going to appeal to everybody. The selection of Champions contained in the crystals is not random, though. Each Champion included is a unique part of the history of Marvel Contest of Champions, and has been significant to the game or Community in one way or another.

    Can you guess why each of them were included? I can start it off with Blade: The Community spread the word far and wide, "Save for Blade!".

    I am sorry, but “Save for Blade” doesn’t hold value here.
    Let’s break down each champ and their value.

    Blade - Hands down the best champion in this list. He can help clear practically any content even non awakened; really shines with synergies 8/10

    Captain America - I cant even, really? You’re telling me this guy is with $100? I wouldn’t even spend $1 for him. He is so far behind in this game it’s not even funny. 1/10

    Civil Warrior - tell me his use in anything other than a 3 second heal block? 1/10

    Crossbones - A really good champ but is outshined by other champs that dobwhay he does better. Good for RTTL. Needs ramp up where most AAR champs can do out the gate. 3/10

    Cyclops (NXS) - one of the worst champions released. Maybe even worse then KK. Has not been relevant since PB teams and leadership went away. no redeeming factor at all 0/10

    DocOck - Actually a good champ. Some debate on if he is better awakened or not. 7/10

    Electro - used to be feared in AW not anymore. Basically a nostalgia chap. 1/10

    Ghost Rider - really only used for Blade synergy. Mediocre damage with some utility. 5/10

    Groot - I am Groot. I am Groot. I am Groot. I am Groot. 2/10

    Guillotine - I can see adding her because of what she means to Gabe. A solid champ but awakened ability needs to be buffed. 5/10

    Hawkeye - Still a favorite for some people. Awakened his hemo is clutch. Probably one of the easiest power drain champs in the game 6/10

    The Hood - probably the one champ I don’t have that I really want. Great counter to Medusa and huff heavy champs but that’s really it. Others do it better. 5/10

    Human Torch - I mean he is FF 4/10

    Hyperion - ugly on power gain nodes but if WE can’t take advantage of that all he really is is a champ that is good. 6/10

    Iceman - unavoidable damage. Can tank L3’s a fan favorite 7/10



    Moon Knight - You guys proved how crappy his moon phase abilities are with V4. Tying good vs bad to moon phases is blah. 3/10

    Morningstar - Needs buff heavy champs to actually make a dent with her L2. A defender 90% of the time. 3/10

    Nightcrawler - irrelevant to say the least. I laugh when I see him on defense and it pains me to place mine just for diversity

    Quake - in the hands of a skilled player she is all you need. 90% of the content is laughable with her. In the hands of an average player 50% of the content is laughable. 6/10

    Rocket - I mean only if awakened and you hit that L2 and it’s not blocked can you do real damage. 2/10

    Spider-Gwen - buffed she became a solid attacker. She has redemption now. Not much to say about her as she is benched unless you need her for certain fights and don’t have a better alternative. 5/10

    Star Lord - one of the best ORIGINAL damage dealers. Still viable by only if awakened and you can keep your combo. However the lack of combo carry over hinders him. 7/10

    Thor - maybe pre 12.0 this would be good. However the nerf to his stacking armor breaks when others can surpass that number is a slap in the face to the god of thunder. 4/10

    Venom - spiderverse champs are a chew toy for him. Sub 18% unblockable attacks really only good IMHO against those who autoblock.....a handful of champs. 7/10


    Overall with maybe 3 champs that would really make a difference to a players progression, it’s not worth it. 4/10 on the crystal.

    And again Save for Blade is a slap in the face to the community. We saved SHARDS not money for his return. There is a HUGE difference. Some may have spent, but I think I recall people only saving shards. Could be wrong though. But for you to drop that as a way to validate the crystal is out of touch man.
    If you’re ranking Blade above Hyperion and Quake, I don’t think you should be doing rankings, no offense. Blade has lost a little luster but Quake and Hyperion who have been around for longer are still top tier champs.

    Your point is taken though and I still agree that only about 3 champs are worth it and even then the price point is insane.
  • ThatGuyYouSaw235ThatGuyYouSaw235 Member Posts: 3,444 ★★★★★
    edited December 2019

    Hey all,

    Thank you all for your feedback. We understand that this offer is not going to appeal to everybody. The selection of Champions contained in the crystals is not random, though. Each Champion included is a unique part of the history of Marvel Contest of Champions, and has been significant to the game or Community in one way or another.

    Can you guess why each of them were included? I can start it off with Blade: The Community spread the word far and wide, "Save for Blade!".

    It ain't going to appeal to anyone with a high price tag like that and a low chance of getting a decent champion

    I don't what you guys were thinking when you decided to have a price tag that is equal to that of 17 months of Disney Plus over here for that.
  • Zuko_ILCZuko_ILC Member Posts: 1,524 ★★★★★
    If you don't like the offer don't buy it. There really is no reason to spam angry messages. If you think it's a bad deal just ignore it. They really don't have to give us anything ever and the anniversary month is still going on so relax everyone!

    It would be very interesting to see why champs were selected and the their significance from the developers perspective.
  • bm3eppsbm3epps Member Posts: 1,170 ★★★
    A way would I drop $100 to get a champ I know I don't want..they need to stop adding the way older champs to these crystals
  • Pudge008Pudge008 Member Posts: 39

    Hey all,

    Thank you all for your feedback. We understand that this offer is not going to appeal to everybody. The selection of Champions contained in the crystals is not random, though. Each Champion included is a unique part of the history of Marvel Contest of Champions, and has been significant to the game or Community in one way or another.

    Can you guess why each of them were included? I can start it off with Blade: The Community spread the word far and wide, "Save for Blade!".

    What a joke. Such a fantastic vague kabam mike response. I can’t believe you actually get paid to write such responses. Horrible response and what a horrible deal for it being the 5 year anniversary.
  • bm3eppsbm3epps Member Posts: 1,170 ★★★

    Hey all,

    Thank you all for your feedback. We understand that this offer is not going to appeal to everybody. The selection of Champions contained in the crystals is not random, though. Each Champion included is a unique part of the history of Marvel Contest of Champions, and has been significant to the game or Community in one way or another.

    Can you guess why each of them were included? I can start it off with Blade: The Community spread the word far and wide, "Save for Blade!".

    Now Miike you probably won't admit it, but this deal definitely isn't good. I think the masses want current champs, and not those from back in the day.
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  • MyradralMyradral Member Posts: 154
    If this were $.99........... like 1 DOLLAR............ maybe.

    $100 for a shot at arguably, "The Worst Champions in the Game" - with the exception of 3, is what this is without any further discussion needed.

    Hell, the responses alone in this thread alone should make your marketing embarrassed.

  • Zuko_ILCZuko_ILC Member Posts: 1,524 ★★★★★

    Zuko_ILC said:

    If you don't like the offer don't buy it. There really is no reason to spam angry messages. If you think it's a bad deal just ignore it. They really don't have to give us anything ever and the anniversary month is still going on so relax everyone!

    It would be very interesting to see why champs were selected and the their significance from the developers perspective.

    Most companies welcome customer feedback. Why don't you consider avoiding this thread if you don't want to see people commenting on the deal?
    Well it's a thread for discussions and I'm responding to a thread which is well within the rules. Constructive feedback is one thing but spamming a thread with non-constructive posts is not. Maybe you should re-read the rules before posting or if you can't be constructive then maybe the forums aren't the place for you.
  • SparkAlotSparkAlot Member Posts: 957 ★★★★

    Hey all,

    Thank you all for your feedback. We understand that this offer is not going to appeal to everybody. The selection of Champions contained in the crystals is not random, though. Each Champion included is a unique part of the history of Marvel Contest of Champions, and has been significant to the game or Community in one way or another.

    Can you guess why each of them were included? I can start it off with Blade: The Community spread the word far and wide, "Save for Blade!".

    But, how is this worth $100? Yeah, it isn't going to appeal to lots of people, but, seriously, who is Kabam targeting with this? Are the sig stones worth $90, and the 5* champ $10?

    That is why the vast majority don't understand the value of this offer. If you paid $100 and got one of the many duds, you would be instantly pissed, and most probably never buy another offer again.
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★
    Nice try @Kabam Miike the nostalgia wasn't explained in the email and its so hard to figure out forum people are getting it wrong consistently with their guesses. The spin you put on it was pretty good though, I have to admit.

    But ultimately it is a disappointing deal and especially for that price. Now cut the price in half it would still be a bad deal but at least it would make more sense based on where the game stands today.
  • Ghostspider231Ghostspider231 Member Posts: 301 ★★★

    Hey all,

    Thank you all for your feedback. We understand that this offer is not going to appeal to everybody. The selection of Champions contained in the crystals is not random, though. Each Champion included is a unique part of the history of Marvel Contest of Champions, and has been significant to the game or Community in one way or another.

    Can you guess why each of them were included? I can start it off with Blade: The Community spread the word far and wide, "Save for Blade!".

    Yeah I can't tell you how many shards I saved to pull civil warrior. I was so excited to pull him a few months ago.
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