Possible Unstoppable Bug AW tier 4, tile 19
An Alliance/BG mate had mentioned this previously as we take turns between running backup and Lane 4. Tile/Node 19 in tier 4 (Challenger Map) AW is Spite/Heavy Hitter. Now it seems like this only happens when Havok is placed on 19 as this occurred for both of us now.
Heavy Hitter causes the Champion to go Unstoppable for the duration of their heavy attack. Which is represented by the Unstoppable effect Icon with those white pseudo parentheses around it. Today, Unstoppable popped and was on for the duration of the match. Needless to say made it near impossible to kill this 5* R5 Max Sig Havok and resulted in my 5* R5 (boosted to gills) Domino's demise. I fired off my S3 and did a fair amount of damage. End of the S3 Plasma Detonation ended me before I could verify if my S3 had reset the Passive Unstoppable.
As previously stated, Heavy Hitter does cause Unstoppable, but it (at least in my experience) only lasts the duration of the champ's heavy attack. Also as previously stated, this is not an isolated incident, but a rare one nonetheless. I've never had this happen with another champ on this node. As far as I'm aware, Havok doesn't have a Passive Unstoppable ability built in (especially a seemingly permanent one). I thought for a moment that maybe Domino's Lucky passive evade had triggered the Unfazed mastery, but that Unstoppable is only supposed to last for 1 second. So after going over each factor in this fight, I cannot explain why Havok remained Unstoppable for as long as he did short of a latent bug that seems to occur only when Havok is placed on this node.
MCoC version: 25.1.1
Device: Samsung Galaxy S9+
OS: Android 9
Location: AW Tile 19 in Tier 4
Champions: Defender - 5* R5 Max Sig Havok; Attacker - 5* R5 sig lvel 69 Domino (5* R4 Nick Fury +10% attack synergy active)
Heavy Hitter causes the Champion to go Unstoppable for the duration of their heavy attack. Which is represented by the Unstoppable effect Icon with those white pseudo parentheses around it. Today, Unstoppable popped and was on for the duration of the match. Needless to say made it near impossible to kill this 5* R5 Max Sig Havok and resulted in my 5* R5 (boosted to gills) Domino's demise. I fired off my S3 and did a fair amount of damage. End of the S3 Plasma Detonation ended me before I could verify if my S3 had reset the Passive Unstoppable.
As previously stated, Heavy Hitter does cause Unstoppable, but it (at least in my experience) only lasts the duration of the champ's heavy attack. Also as previously stated, this is not an isolated incident, but a rare one nonetheless. I've never had this happen with another champ on this node. As far as I'm aware, Havok doesn't have a Passive Unstoppable ability built in (especially a seemingly permanent one). I thought for a moment that maybe Domino's Lucky passive evade had triggered the Unfazed mastery, but that Unstoppable is only supposed to last for 1 second. So after going over each factor in this fight, I cannot explain why Havok remained Unstoppable for as long as he did short of a latent bug that seems to occur only when Havok is placed on this node.
MCoC version: 25.1.1
Device: Samsung Galaxy S9+
OS: Android 9
Location: AW Tile 19 in Tier 4
Champions: Defender - 5* R5 Max Sig Havok; Attacker - 5* R5 sig lvel 69 Domino (5* R4 Nick Fury +10% attack synergy active)