Since kabam said they will consider opinions, cull block proficiency increase.

Since kabam said they will consider opinions, cull block proficiency increase. 111 votes
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An intercept = a stackable armour break. There’s precedence in this - essentially it’s one of Proxima’s missions.
He’s already a glass cannon, at least make him a usable one
I am not particularly for the nerfs they weren't necessary but no the less a terrible analogy.
I just dont fathom how a champ like Cull was actually design to have low block prof. Aren't they trying to make the game as realistic as possible? That guy was a pain in Infinity War. Like Corvus he just didn't wanna die. And now in mcoc, a few block hits and he's out hahaha
Yet even if they do increse his block prof, its not excatly game changing and im still likely not going to use him. So why not?
While we're at it, can we bump up Dormammu's as well? At rank 5/65, both champs have exactly the same block proficiency and they both suffer terribly for it. Dormammu has it a bit worse since he doesn't even ramp up the way Cull Dormammu's fights take a long time.
The more skilled Players become with Cull, the less Damage they take. We've also made Changes to help him get his early fights done quicker, so you're ramping up faster.