Whoever thought about this month’s special quests never played MCOC before

I am very active and hit all arena milestones and still...
Someone should get the boot for thinking so poorly on this.

Someone should get the boot for thinking so poorly on this.

I did do a bit more of the Mojoverse just to reach milestone 2 of the Deadpool objective, but mostly I've just been trying to keep an eye out for potential arena targets in the arenas I normally grind.
The last three milestones in the Deadpool objective I don't think are worth the effort so I'm not doing them, but I'll probably take a shot at the Till Death one. But either way, I don't see it as a noteworthy problem that I can't get every objective, when the rewards aren't escalating rewards. Its not like there's a 5* awakening gem waiting for everyone that finishes all of them. It is just a small amount of rewards for those that really want them, and it is skippable for those that don't want to dedicate time to pursue them. That's not a bad thing to happen every so often.
For the others, they're not too hard, but you might have to do more than the Milestones.
I'm not 100% sure, but I think I got all but the Deadpool Profile pic in the first 50-60 rounds.
Just wish they announced it from day 1. Would have loved to get potions instead of those junky crystals. If I had known there was going to be an option I never would have traded 4k in for a 3* max dupe....