A weekly direct deposit option for Alliance donations

We've found that some people tend to forget to donate from time to time (even our Officers, we do have lives). A simple cure for this would be adding a direct deposit option. Would allow you to pick a day/time that it goes in, and the amount. Now let's say you don't have the amount needed, it would also send you an alert that you need to get the resources needed to make the donation. Not sure if everyone would agree that this would help, but that would be the beauty of it being an OPTION. I could imagine upper echelon Alliances taking full advantage of such an option. This would allow you to focus your attention elsewhere as a player, and as an officer/leader. No more chasing players for donations if you require your players in the Alliance to use said option. Not sure if this has ever been brought up, didn't see a thread for it. Anyone else agree this would or could make things better/easier? All input welcomed. I hope this gets enough attention that it eventually becomes a reality. Thanks all.
-Sirius Break
-Sirius Break