Mass amounts of ISO missing from overflow

WHOz_R4GEWHOz_R4GE Member Posts: 239 ★★
Has anyone else noticed large amount of ISO go missing from their overflow in the last day or so? I constantly have ISO set to expire in 1-3 days. Today I long in and my closest IsO expiration is 21 days out. I didn’t sell mass amounts of ISO nor did I do major rank ups. Also it didn’t just all expire at once. I stagger it out as long as I have been playing.


  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    Nothing like that for me. I check every day because I have stuff expiring.
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    Hey there, if you think something is missing from your inventory or stash, our Support Team would be the best equipped to look into things for you. You can reach them from the game's home screen by clicking the gear-shaped icon in the top-left corner of the screen and then scrolling down to the button labeled "Support".
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,795 Guardian
    Maybe you had a long gap between earning a bunch of ISO, like not having opened Hero Crystals for a few weeks. And any tiny “1 here and there”ISO earned from things like Solo/Ally Events might have all been claimed at once without even realizing it from your last rankups (claiming 20-30 ISO that last time that happened to grab all those small ones at once even though the top ones may have still been showing “soon to expire”).
  • WHOz_R4GEWHOz_R4GE Member Posts: 239 ★★

    Maybe you had a long gap between earning a bunch of ISO, like not having opened Hero Crystals for a few weeks. And any tiny “1 here and there”ISO earned from things like Solo/Ally Events might have all been claimed at once without even realizing it from your last rankups (claiming 20-30 ISO that last time that happened to grab all those small ones at once even though the top ones may have still been showing “soon to expire”).

    It’s not possible. I have a constant inflow of ISO. Which is why there is always ISO ready to expire on my account. Never in all 3 years of playing have I had 21 days till ISO was going to expire. I had tons of ISO ready for this next level up event and now it is gone.

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