Cavalier Difficulty Rewards

What do you all think the cavalier difficulty/harder side quest rewards will be? I’m personally hoping for some t5cc and more 6* shards, but I’m not getting my hopes up.
If they didnt tell you when they announced it, its because they know they're trash and would like to get a bit of hype before the letdown.
Just please Kabam don’t put it with a higher energy cost like Rifts were, don’t mind sending units on content just not for energy because we have to spend 4 per move
On a personal note to @DoubleDelta hows the taxi business going John 😂😂
I really really hope they can turn things around soon.
Variants have similar path lengths and don’t feel like a grind because they are a challenge. When your completing the final map easily when you have your main teams in AW attack, AW defence and AQ then that’s when it feels like a grind