Find the Elusive Sasquatch in Northern Expeditions! [Canadian Difficulty now Unlocking at Level 55]

We are hot on the trail of the elusive beast known as “Sasquatch”. Embark on expeditions to find the legendary cryptid, and find valuable rewards along the way!
Expéditions dans le Grand Nord
The wilderness of Canada is vast, and the Tundra is cold and unforgiving, but full of hidden treasures!Join Guardian on a series of 4 quests that will feature no Quest Completion or Exploration rewards. All of the rewards for these Expeditions are located on the Paths. This means that you can focus your time and energy on the rewards that are most valuable to you!
These quests will be unlocked over the course of 4 weeks, and restrict your team to only 3 Champions. They feature no energy costs and will have fewer paths than when we first ran this style of event with Mole Man Expeditions.
Quest 1: 8 Paths
Quest 2: 8 Paths
Quest 3: 12 Paths
Quest 4: 12 Paths
Mais attention, vous pouvez être pris en embuscade par Sasquatch à tout moment!
Canadian Difficulty
This Month’s Event features a new difficulty available to Summoners that have reached Level 60, Canadian Difficulty!Canadian Difficulty will change some of the encounters from other difficulty levels and adds a Global Node and Linked Nodes to all by one of the Paths. This means that your first experience with this new difficulty can be achieved without fighting any of the linked nodes, but to obtain more rewards, you’ll need to take on the extra challenge of these curated buffs. These paths are focused on Class advantage. So scope out your targets and bring in a group of the right Class for the best results.
Canadian Difficulty is the first step on the road to our Cavalier Event Quest difficulty level. It will allow us to gather feedback and data, and you to share your experiences with us in regards to difficulty, rewards, and pain points.
Keep this in mind as you try it out. This is the first time we’re introducing this difficulty, and everything is subject to change for future events; from the rewards, to opponent stats, to the overall difficulty level. After the content is live, our designers want to hear from you. We’ll host some discussions on the difficulty level, and will be looking at your feedback in the forums, and other channels.
As a result of the addition of Canadian Difficulty, there will be no Normal Difficulty for this event.
Quel trésor vous attend?
Unlike a traditional Quest, the best rewards are found along the paths of these Quests, and not in the Completion or Exploration rewards.Even if you do not have the time to complete the entire Quest, you can target the rewards that you need the most. The following chart shows the total possible rewards you can find on the map across all 4 Quests. Remember, 1 Quest unlocks each week!

Solo Objectives
Along with the Northern Expeditions quests, you’ll also have Solo Objectives that award 5-Star Shards, Gold, and 4 and 5-Star Signature Stones!Maple Syrup and Poutine
Throughout the month, you’ll find Maple Syrup and Poutine in select content. Use these items to heal and revive your Champions, and take the chance to tackle some tough content you’ve been putting off, or to try out the new Canadian Difficulty!But beware! Maple Syrup will turn into Level 3 and 5 Health potions, and Poutine will turn into Level 1 revives when the event is over.
Bon Voyage!
Your Expedition starts at 10 am PT on Canada Day (July 1st), and will conclude at 10 am on August 5th!Bonne chance mon ami!
Post edited by Kabam Miike on
"This is the first time we’re introducing this difficulty, and everything is subject to change for future events; from the rewards, to opponent stats, to the overall difficulty level."
Question: will consuming poutine help me in these quests? There's a Smoke's Poutinerie not far from me.
2500 feels stingy
Sorry to all those members that have multiple accounts (created because they wanted the challenge to see how fast they could be uncollected, and/or cavalier) and didnt run full exploration so aren't lvl 60. You cant play....smh....wrong move Kabam.