Is Guardian bugged? He shouldn't have 6 armor ups (if he should at least give us a local node guide but there is nothing) Also his armor ups can't be armor break or nullified He is 154k but he feels like a 450k, can you fix him please or at least if you gonna leave him like that put a local node thanks.
I know, I ran into him seven times in a row, made the quest impossible to finish. Otherwise, the event is great, I can get a lot of the rewards that I personally need with a couple 4 star rank 5 huge damage dealers and a five star rank 4 archangel.
week 4 ambush rate slightly better than week 3 ...atleast in my case....for epic and canadian i got ambushed on 5 paths out of 12 in week 4 as compared to week 3s 8 paths out of 12
The RNG on the "elusive" Sasquatch ambush is pretty close to 90%. Pretty much the same it was for Mole-man, which makes sense, since this is a carbon-copy of the event.
I've done 100% of the first three quests in heroic, master, and epic difficulties of Northern Expeditions, but didn't get Sasquatch enough times to complete the special objectives.
As I may not 100% the Canadian difficulty, how do I complete the special objectives? I think this is quite ridiculous. Can the moderators pick this up, please?
I've done 100% of the first three quests in heroic, master, and epic difficulties of Northern Expeditions, but didn't get Sasquatch enough times to complete the special objectives.
As I may not 100% the Canadian difficulty, how do I complete the special objectives? I think this is quite ridiculous. Can the moderators pick this up, please?
I've done 100% of the first three quests in heroic, master, and epic difficulties of Northern Expeditions, but didn't get Sasquatch enough times to complete the special objectives.
As I may not 100% the Canadian difficulty, how do I complete the special objectives? I think this is quite ridiculous. Can the moderators pick this up, please?
Then you must be one of the very few that didn’t get ambushed
I didn’t do can
Epic I was only three paths I did not get ambushed
So u was lucky/unlucky depending on your perspective
To complete it hello just redo it till you get the ambush or do lower diffs lol
Well, since I've completed all the lower ones as well, will have to give redoing a shot. But, if I don't get ambushed, it'll be for absolutely nothing, since all the path rewards aren't there anymore. Some people are getting ambushed more than they'd like, and some aren't being ambushed as much as they need to be ambushed. LOL! Like I said, ridiculous.
I've done 100% of the first three quests in heroic, master, and epic difficulties of Northern Expeditions, but didn't get Sasquatch enough times to complete the special objectives.
As I may not 100% the Canadian difficulty, how do I complete the special objectives? I think this is quite ridiculous. Can the moderators pick this up, please?
There's another problem (or maybe this was the problem all along), I just defeated Sasquatch twice in Northern Expeditions (Master) Glorious and Free quest, but the special missions counter is still showing "0".
I've done 100% of the first three quests in heroic, master, and epic difficulties of Northern Expeditions, but didn't get Sasquatch enough times to complete the special objectives.
As I may not 100% the Canadian difficulty, how do I complete the special objectives? I think this is quite ridiculous. Can the moderators pick this up, please?
There's another problem (or maybe this was the problem all along), I just defeated Sasquatch twice in Northern Expeditions (Master) Glorious and Free quest, but the special missions counter is still showing "0".
@Avenger_A1 , did you ever go back and get enough ambushes in the previous weeks to clear off the objective (in order of each week enough times), before doing the next week quest with enough ambushes.
Sounds like earlier you completed all of week 1/2/3 100%, without enough ambushes, and still might have been needing ambushes from week-1 quest.
Once you finish that, you will have to find the full amount of ambushes AGAIN for week-2, and then again in week-3, and again in week-4.
They don’t start counting until you completely finish one objective level before they start to count towards the next objective level. (and don’t tag the mods).
@Avenger_A1 , did you ever go back and get enough ambushes in the previous weeks to clear off the objective (in order of each week enough times), before doing the next week quest with enough ambushes.
Sounds like earlier you completed all of week 1/2/3 100%, without enough ambushes, and still might have been needing ambushes from week-1 quest.
Once you finish that, you will have to find the full amount of ambushes AGAIN for week-2, and then again in week-3, and again in week-4.
They don’t start counting until you completely finish one objective level before they start to count towards the next objective level. (and don’t tag the mods).
Thanks for your comments. Yes, I know how it works. Today, I was tracking Glorious amd Free (Master) week-4. So as soon as I got an ambush, I checked 4/4 was at "0/3". I defeated Sasquatch on two ambushes and then completed the quest 100% - and guess what the counter of 4/4 was still at 0/3. So I'm now thinking that I may have got enough ambushes (wasn't obsessing on the count as the counter was intermittently giving out some completions), but didn't register some of the ambush wins.
I tagged the mods, as I think it's an issue that needs to be highlighted to them.
Hmm, I just did all my week-4 last night and this morning (starting in lowest level though). 2 ambushes last night, registered each time. Finish with more ambushes this morning and 1st one counted and completed the objective.
@Avenger_A1 , did you ever go back and get enough ambushes in the previous weeks to clear off the objective (in order of each week enough times), before doing the next week quest with enough ambushes.
Sounds like earlier you completed all of week 1/2/3 100%, without enough ambushes, and still might have been needing ambushes from week-1 quest.
Once you finish that, you will have to find the full amount of ambushes AGAIN for week-2, and then again in week-3, and again in week-4.
They don’t start counting until you completely finish one objective level before they start to count towards the next objective level. (and don’t tag the mods).
Thanks for your comments. Yes, I know how it works. Today, I was tracking Glorious amd Free (Master) week-4. I tagged the mods, as I think it's an issue that needs to be highlighted to them.
Sorry to tell you, but you misunderstand how it works.
Your video shows you still have NOT gotten 3 Sasquatch Ambushes in the 1st Quest (Native Land), you only have 2/3 of ambushes in there. So any ambushes that you have got in later quests (True Patriot, Glowing Hearts, and Glorious & Free) DO NOT COUNT until you randomly get 3 Sasquatch Ambushes in Native Land first.
And you don’t always get ambushes, it is random. You might have to repeat some quests until you find Sasquatch 3 times.
And then you can move on to quest #2 (True Patriot), and then afterward move on to #3 (Glowing Hearts), etc.
Looks like you will have to repeat quests until you find Sasquatch 3 times each, in order of their quest #.
When this event is over, I hope it NEVER comes back, it is Mole-Man deja vu all over again, so many ambushes are just not fun, and never has been.
Also his armor ups can't be armor break or nullified
He is 154k but he feels like a 450k, can you fix him please or at least if you gonna leave him like that put a local node thanks.
Here is my full review.
And I concur with others about taking a hit on the rewards.
As I may not 100% the Canadian difficulty, how do I complete the special objectives? I think this is quite ridiculous. Can the moderators pick this up, please?
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious
I didn’t do can
Epic I was only three paths I did not get ambushed
So u was lucky/unlucky depending on your perspective
To complete it hello just redo it till you get the ambush or do lower diffs lol
There's another problem (or maybe this was the problem all along), I just defeated Sasquatch twice in Northern Expeditions (Master) Glorious and Free quest, but the special missions counter is still showing "0".
Sounds like earlier you completed all of week 1/2/3 100%, without enough ambushes, and still might have been needing ambushes from week-1 quest.
Once you finish that, you will have to find the full amount of ambushes AGAIN for week-2, and then again in week-3, and again in week-4.
They don’t start counting until you completely finish one objective level before they start to count towards the next objective level. (and don’t tag the mods).
I tagged the mods, as I think it's an issue that needs to be highlighted to them.
2 ambushes last night, registered each time.
Finish with more ambushes this morning and 1st one counted and completed the objective.
Your video shows you still have NOT gotten 3 Sasquatch Ambushes in the 1st Quest (Native Land), you only have 2/3 of ambushes in there.
So any ambushes that you have got in later quests (True Patriot, Glowing Hearts, and Glorious & Free) DO NOT COUNT until you randomly get 3 Sasquatch Ambushes in Native Land first.
And you don’t always get ambushes, it is random.
You might have to repeat some quests until you find Sasquatch 3 times.
And then you can move on to quest #2 (True Patriot), and then afterward move on to #3 (Glowing Hearts), etc.
Looks like you will have to repeat quests until you find Sasquatch 3 times each, in order of their quest #.