Game has been full of bugs lately
Usually the game is pretty bug free and runs quite smoothly(except in game modes like incursions). However, since this last patch I have experienced a multitude of bugs and glitches in the software. Things like the screen going completely black and freezing, or when I scroll down to select my champs it glitches out and goes up and down rapidly like I'm swiping up and down(looks like a visual glitch but i can't do anything except restart the app. It's like it freezes up as well), the servers have been full of connection issues. I have experienced so many bugs I can't even list them all. Also, one thing that has bothered me since Incursions came out is the decision page is super unresponsive; I could click on the conclude dungeon button or continue and it won't select it at all, I usually have to click on either button up to 10 times or more just for me to "make a decision" and even that won't always work. Although if my dungeon partner decides then if i click then same option then it works fine. I am not sure what's up with all of this but I hope Kabam fixes it. If it was just one or two bugs then I would report a bug individually but It is too much to report all of the ones I've seen, since I've seen so many.
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