Game has been full of bugs lately

Wolf9300Wolf9300 Member Posts: 20
Usually the game is pretty bug free and runs quite smoothly(except in game modes like incursions). However, since this last patch I have experienced a multitude of bugs and glitches in the software. Things like the screen going completely black and freezing, or when I scroll down to select my champs it glitches out and goes up and down rapidly like I'm swiping up and down(looks like a visual glitch but i can't do anything except restart the app. It's like it freezes up as well), the servers have been full of connection issues. I have experienced so many bugs I can't even list them all. Also, one thing that has bothered me since Incursions came out is the decision page is super unresponsive; I could click on the conclude dungeon button or continue and it won't select it at all, I usually have to click on either button up to 10 times or more just for me to "make a decision" and even that won't always work. Although if my dungeon partner decides then if i click then same option then it works fine. I am not sure what's up with all of this but I hope Kabam fixes it. If it was just one or two bugs then I would report a bug individually but It is too much to report all of the ones I've seen, since I've seen so many.


  • Wolf9300Wolf9300 Member Posts: 20
    Pretty much since I've posted this forum I haven't really experienced those things since then. Obviously the game has a lot more issues this week though.
  • Kabam PorthosKabam Porthos Moderator Posts: 4,676
    Hey Wolf9300, if you haven't already, please share the requested information in the lag and performance issues thread for either iOS or Android, depending on what kind of device you have. Thanks!
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