So what about the units we grind from arenas?

I grind almost 600 units per round but as this round got suspended So what now?
Will we get compensation for this too? I mean will we get those units?
BTW I'm saying all that cuz my target is Unlocking suicides, saving for cyber Monday etc. So that's why it concerns me....
@Kabam Miike
Will we get compensation for this too? I mean will we get those units?
BTW I'm saying all that cuz my target is Unlocking suicides, saving for cyber Monday etc. So that's why it concerns me....
@Kabam Miike
Post edited by Kabam Miike on
I was trying to build units for my next abyss run, which i planned to do this weekend hence why I've been doing arena alot more .... This is going to set me back!
I just don't think anything can be done about it. Technical issues happen.
Honestly taking arena down is the mostly costly aspect of the compensation package that they have to get right.
I sympathize and understand that you're having issues with stability. As such,The arenas have been pulled.But in the meantime how am I supposed to earn Units, battleships, and gold in the interim???I
I Play the game and largely focus on arena, Not always to grind and win a feature champ,But to earn Units. Units to buy crystals and other items in the game, As well as to earn the necessary gold to level up and rank up my champions something necessary to complete advanced content.
Without arenas I cannot obtain units thorough Any other method besides spending real world money on the game.I had planned to do some advanced content this week And have expiring items in my stash.I do not have Enough of an emergency stash In case I need revives to complete this advanced content.
Why wouldn't you simply leave the arenas in so that we could earn The milestones that are always there and the corresponding units? How am I to support if I need a potion for questing, alliance questing, or alliance war?You're essentially forcing me to spend money at this point!
My alliance while understanding, is competitive and I worked diligently to grind to ensure that I have units to safeguard my roster spot in the alliance. I do not have a current reserve for this.
If I get removed from the alliance because I do not have the items to complete aq or aw, I will demand a full refund of any and all cash that I have invested in the game. Since you're basically forcing me to spend real world money to maintain my roster spot, it's only fair that you return my money if I am unable to do so. In game compensation won't be enough and will be moot if I'm removed from my alliance.
We are aware of the effect that a lack of Arenas has on our players, and as we mentioned before, we will determine appropriate Compensation, but not until we have the issue resolved and know all the ways in which these issues affected players.