I found it downright pathetic. the nodes are totally ad hoc and only intended to extremely high skilled players. I dont consider myself high skilled but atleast I have covered cavalier and this was intended to be equivalent to uncollected difficulty. instead, its totally nonsense in my view for any mid to high tier players. Only for certain few players.
Hey, free shards though.
It was not difficult though, justified difficulty imo.
Almost sole that CMM with Ronan
unfortunately m
the last 2 procent
I brought Stealthy, Vision, Doom, and Domino.
Stealthy with Slow beats Thing and Diablo.
Vision beats Havok and Sinister with normal play.
Domino beats up Nick, just drop an L3 once his LMD is destroyed.
Doom blinks and CMM is dead.
If the last one it's too hard for you, then it's a problem on your behalf. You are not ready for it.
Besides, the last difficulty is targeted for mid-tier players. If there was a difficulty for endgame players it would had been harder
Epic=/=UC. The Epic BR now is the equivalent of the BRs we had in the past. The BRs in the past only had 1 difficulty, so be grateful that they created multiple difficulties.
If you can't do it, move down a difficulty.
Diablo can be done with HT capIW stealthy or anyone pretty much he isn’t bad
Havok I used g2099. Colossus warlock guardian would also work HB as well should work with new buff
Sinister use g2099 but HT is a fun matchup against sinister as well
NF use a mutant champ to reduce charges, duped domino to reduce chances of charges further
CMM any mystic or any champ she wasn’t an issue
Thing: Pretty much your average thing fight, just don't bring someone that inflicts him with debuffs he is immune to. I recommend Omega Red.
Diablo: C'mon, its Diablo... Basically anyone can fight him. I used quake though to avoid unstoppable. Champs like She-Hulk or CapIW would also do very well here.
Havok: Probably one of the harder fights here. Colossus is obviously the best counter. If you don't have him try using a champ with slow to avoid the unstoppable effect.
Mr Sinister: Sentinel will destroy him, but many other options also, Void, Mysterio, Warlock, etc.
Nick Fury: Pretty much any mutant will do this fight easy. If you brought Colossus for Havok just use him here also. Otherwise Omega Red, Domino, Havok, are all good options.
CMM: Just use any champ with energy damage. Magik, SymS, Dr Doom, Dr Strange, doesn't really matter who as the energy damage does the work.
I used 5/65 g2099, sabretooth,void. and 4/55 killmonger.
There was a hard mode and it was hard. I should be able to get the rewards for doing minimal effort instead of reading nodes and planning a team. 1 out of 10.
If you couldn't beat it you're not ready. It's here for 55 days, come back when you are at the appropriate level
(Tbh I find your attitude pathetic.)
This Content is not meant to be easy. Boss Rushes started as content for our end-game players that needed a challenge, and this is an evolution of even that. Additionally, this is not meant to be the difficulty level of Uncollected, but each fight is approximately the difficulty level of a final boss from Uncollected.