Unable to claim one ISO other than first from stash overflow

GhOsT_DoG_78GhOsT_DoG_78 Member Posts: 44
edited August 2020 in Bugs and Known Issues

Have just noticed that if I have 1 empty spot left out of the 45 in the main stash, I cannot claim an ISO other than the first one from the overflow, it only gives the 'Claim Max' option which only allows me to claim the very first item from the overflow. It should say 'claim 1' for the item selected. Perhaps the 'Claim Max' button should be a 3rd button separate to the 'Sell x' and 'Claim x' buttons?


  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,692 Guardian
    Shouldn’t be a 3rd button, but rather should just work the way it always had before. (except for the addition of the new SELL)

    If you have ANY of them selected, the Claim button should change wording from CLAIM MAX to just CLAIM.

    If the Claim wording is not changing, then it is a bug. If the CLAIM MAX when you have an item selected is instead claiming the earliest items, then that is also a bug.
  • GhOsT_DoG_78GhOsT_DoG_78 Member Posts: 44

    Shouldn’t be a 3rd button, but rather should just work the way it always had before. (except for the addition of the new SELL)

    If you have ANY of them selected, the Claim button should change wording from CLAIM MAX to just CLAIM.

    If the Claim wording is not changing, then it is a bug. If the CLAIM MAX when you have an item selected is instead claiming the earliest items, then that is also a bug.

    Agreed. Looks like 2 bugs then.
  • Lobster44Lobster44 Member Posts: 147
    I had 20 spaces in my iso inventory and tried to fill them with the generic iso lower down my list rather than the class iso via the usual method of selection. However, due to the fact the claim x and claim max buttons seem to have been merged in the new update, it claimed the class iso which I currently have no use for instead of the desired iso. It's a pretty minor issue since you can work around it by claiming 1 less than max, but I wanted to log it to make you aware and stop others making the same mistake.

    Sidenote: Thanks for adding the sell button to the stash, saves a lot of time selling the worthless arena boosts and t2bcs I get so many of.
  • Merigold00Merigold00 Member Posts: 11
    What you have to do right now is claim less than the max. So if you have 5 empty spaces, tag 4 ISO, then claim. Upgrade your champ, then come back in and claim more. This is a pain, though, and needs to be fixed.
  • GhOsT_DoG_78GhOsT_DoG_78 Member Posts: 44

    What you have to do right now is claim less than the max. So if you have 5 empty spaces, tag 4 ISO, then claim. Upgrade your champ, then come back in and claim more. This is a pain, though, and needs to be fixed.

    Yes, you basically need at least 2 empty spots in the main stash in order to get to any single ISO lower down the overflow list. So effectively you need to work with 44 slots not 45 at the moment with the 45th slot being filled by a basic ISO you can always sell. Definitely a pain that needs fixing.
  • TurboscoutTurboscout Member Posts: 34
    This is incredibly frustrating. It also appears to have caused ISO to disappear from my stash when it failed to claim it. Now I'm missing a bunch of ISO, I'm assuming it sold but wasn't paying attention as I was trying to claim it at the time. Apparently if you try and select more than the Max you can claim it will keep selecting more and sell the rest. (I'm guessing) Very frustrating.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,692 Guardian
    If you have say 10 open ISO spots, and you start to select individual ISO, it correctly shows as CLAIM (and will claim just those selected), UP UNTIL YOU SELECT THE MAX OPEN SPOTS.

    In example with 10 open spots, once you select the final 10th, then the button goes back to SELECT ALL, and reverts to claiming the earliest ones no matter what ones you have selected . **BUG**

    (not sure if as someone mentioned, whether you can continue to select “more” that what was empty, but whether that is true or not it had reverted to Claim All anyways, so selecting more than empty is sort of mute at that point).

    So workaround (as pointed out earlier) is to select your desired ISO (except for 1) and claim them first. Then the final spot after that would be just a single claim of whatever happens to be the first ISO in stash.
  • TwistedcowgirlTwistedcowgirl Member Posts: 151
    I have iso missing now as well...
  • GrieferMadnessGrieferMadness Member Posts: 109
    Came here to report this issue. I found there's a few threads about it already but yours has the best explanation so here we go.
  • Numbers_GameNumbers_Game Member Posts: 4
    Another work around is to filter to what you need and then use the claim max button.
  • GhOsT_DoG_78GhOsT_DoG_78 Member Posts: 44
    edited September 2020

    We've passed this along to the rest of the team so that they can look into it.

    Great, thanks. It caught me out again earlier. I claimed a load of the wrong ISO from the overflow because I claimed the one that filled the last available slot.
  • GhOsT_DoG_78GhOsT_DoG_78 Member Posts: 44

    Another work around is to filter to what you need and then use the claim max button.

    Yes, I guess that would work if you're claiming ISO that is all of the same type at the same time.
  • CynchoticCynchotic Member Posts: 186
    Mine has disappeared also or shows up in stash as wrong size. I’ve claimed tier 5 and go back to stash and have tier 4 and tier 3.
  • Noodes_Noodes_ Member Posts: 113
    I had a similar thought but realized it works correctly. You only have 1 slot available—that’s why it says claim max when you have the 1 selected. If you had 2 or more slots available, the button would say “claim 1” with 1 selected. Try it. There is no issue because the claim button changes as necessary
  • GhOsT_DoG_78GhOsT_DoG_78 Member Posts: 44
    edited September 2020
    Noodes_ said:

    I had a similar thought but realized it works correctly. You only have 1 slot available—that’s why it says claim max when you have the 1 selected. If you had 2 or more slots available, the button would say “claim 1” with 1 selected. Try it. There is no issue because the claim button changes as necessary

    Then you misunderstood the problem. Try having 1 slot available in the stash and selecting 1 ISO from lower down the overflow list (or any other than the first one). You will find that if you click the claim max button you will not get the ISO from lower down the list but instead get the first ISO.
  • GhOsT_DoG_78GhOsT_DoG_78 Member Posts: 44
    Cynchotic said:

    Mine has disappeared also or shows up in stash as wrong size. I’ve claimed tier 5 and go back to stash and have tier 4 and tier 3.

    This will probably be because when you claim the tier 5 from lower in the overflow it's claiming tier 3 or 4 from the beginning of the overflow.
  • Noodes_Noodes_ Member Posts: 113
    edited September 2020
    Oh, I see now
  • Raider17Raider17 Member Posts: 31

    If you have say 10 open ISO spots, and you start to select individual ISO, it correctly shows as CLAIM (and will claim just those selected), UP UNTIL YOU SELECT THE MAX OPEN SPOTS.

    In example with 10 open spots, once you select the final 10th, then the button goes back to SELECT ALL, and reverts to claiming the earliest ones no matter what ones you have selected . **BUG**

    (not sure if as someone mentioned, whether you can continue to select “more” that what was empty, but whether that is true or not it had reverted to Claim All anyways, so selecting more than empty is sort of mute at that point).

    So workaround (as pointed out earlier) is to select your desired ISO (except for 1) and claim them first. Then the final spot after that would be just a single claim of whatever happens to be the first ISO in stash.

  • CarmaJCarmaJ Member Posts: 19
    Came searching to see if I was alone in my frustrations with this. I needed just one and can’t claim anything but next up in expire order. Driving me crazy!! Hope this gets fixed soon. I know it is low on the totem pole but still a pain in the xx.
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★

    Right, claiming some iso for my new six star


  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    You can't select specific iso-8 now. This is being discussed in the other threads
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★

    You can't select specific iso-8 now. This is being discussed in the other threads

    Do happen to have a link? Thanks!
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  • GAMEOVERJamesGAMEOVERJames Member Posts: 907 ★★★
    edited September 2020
    Recently kabam updated the temporary storage space to make players be able to sell overflow items without claiming them. That’s a nice update.

    But there is a tiny bug that I want to point out: if there is only one vacancy in the inventory (e.g. 44/45 in my ISO inventory), I can only click “Claim Max” from the temporary storage space and claim the most top in the items list. There is no way for me to choose the item that I want to claim to fill the last vacancy in my inventory.

    I know it’s not a big deal, but I do believe it should be fixed~
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,692 Guardian
    WORKAROUND (besides for already suggested method of selecting all BUT ONE of the max available, and then you can do the CLAIM ## button for just those you selected).

    Other way is to FILTER your ISO in Stash to just the Class (or Basic) and Strength of ISO you want to get, and then the CLAIM MAX button will actually work for claiming the earliest of JUST the filtered results,
  • GhOsT_DoG_78GhOsT_DoG_78 Member Posts: 44

    You can't select specific iso-8 now. This is being discussed in the other threads

    You can select specific ISO as long as you don't fill the last available stash space.
  • GhOsT_DoG_78GhOsT_DoG_78 Member Posts: 44

    Recently kabam updated the temporary storage space to make players be able to sell overflow items without claiming them. That’s a nice update.

    But there is a tiny bug that I want to point out: if there is only one vacancy in the inventory (e.g. 44/45 in my ISO inventory), I can only click “Claim Max” from the temporary storage space and claim the most top in the items list. There is no way for me to choose the item that I want to claim to fill the last vacancy in my inventory.

    I know it’s not a big deal, but I do believe it should be fixed~

    Precisely what I described :)
  • GhOsT_DoG_78GhOsT_DoG_78 Member Posts: 44

    We've passed this along to the rest of the team so that they can look into it.

    @Kabam Zibiit any update on a fix?
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    The team has a resolution for this that should be able to go out in the next game update.
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