I’ve had some time to think about it. I’ll say this, I get why they instituted a ban. In the spirit of fair play, those that reaped rewards(myself included) could end up with an unfair advantage over others who didn’t get the chance or realized it was something they may get banned for so abstained. Here’s the gist, I’m 40 years old, This is the first online game I’ve ever played and I’ve only been playing for two months. I grew up with console games and part of the fun was finding the hidden bugs, when the developers made a “mistake” intentionally or otherwise it was a thrill to find it, and gamers were excited to share it. I think I ran the path at least 6 times, after the second I had a good idea that it was a mistake, but I thought it’s their mistake, so why not for once kabam was exploited instead of us. I was laid off two months ago, and before all the trolls and the gloaters jump in, which I know they will no matter what is said, it’s the first time I’ve ever not worked. This game, and remember it is just a game, provided a relief. Yet, I’ve spent more time on it recently then I should have. Long story short, I’m done with the game. I will say this, I didn’t cheat. If you’ve ever played contra and entered the code, or read Nintendo power for game maps and clues, or watched a YouTube video how to beat majik in chapter 5 dot whatever. You did the same. And those at kabam, I get it but you know you all play every game looking for the glitch. The step on level seven, jump on the turtle shell until you get 99 lives. You know you all did that, we all did, and none of our friends called us cheaters for doing so. It was a fun game.
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