Summoner sigil

It’s time for Kabam to ramp up summoner sigil store and the 7 day event. For the first time since introduction, I decided not to renew the sigil and I see a lot of other people are on the same boat. It is not beneficial for end game players. The rewards are outdated. it’s time to ramp up the rewards.
Hit him with everything you got!!!
40 units- tier 4 iso selector (act 3-4)
60 units- tier 5 iso selector (act 5)
80 units- tier 6 iso selector (act 6)
??? Units- tier ? Iso selector throne breaker
Each iso selector has 24 of one class to choose from (besides tier +6 it will be 16) 1 purchase limit per week for each
I would like to see some different variety from the gold quest.
The 1k 4* shards for ISO if I get a dupe
The 2 pcs. of T1 Alpha per week
Cheaper 5* Featured since I've been hunting for Quake.
(If it's possible, make the cooldown 7 days even if the price goes up by 500 or so. This is the main reason why I'm still subscribing but might not continue after this featured crystal's run. I can't justify the $10 just for this alone.)
Test of the Cavalier/UC/etc
(Good but really outdated... could have been better. Minus the shards, you'll get better rewards in a week with the new awesome 22-hr Solo Event. A buff is due.)
The Sigil is fine when you're going for Uncollected but once you're Cavalier or above, you're most likely after the Featured and the few rankup materials that becomes a little rare when you're Cav like T1A. Update the Black ISO Market, the Test of the Cavalier/UC/etc, and lower the cooldown of the Featured. That will make it worth the subscription.
Here's what I would recommend:
1) Trade in a 6-star feature crystal for 11k 6-star shards (1x per month).
2) Trade in 2k 5* shards for 1k 6* shards (3x per month).
3) Trade in 3 T4BC for 4.5k T5BC (1x per month).
4) Trade in 3 T4CC crystals for 10% T5CC crystal (1x per month).
-Make the sigil rewards tier based... an UC player should not be getting PHC shards. The 5* shards are nice and all, but either make them the same for all 5 milestones, or replace the PHC shards with t2a fragments.
- the black market store is great. The only thing I would like to see is more catalysts available. It would be nice to be able to form a half of t2a and half a tier 5 basic every week. I am currently UC, so I’m not sure what the Cav store looks like... forgive me if it is the above.
- maybe add some more revives or health potions to the 7 day event or in the store. These items are kind of rare.
I do believe more people would buy the sigil if they felt a value. For me, mine expires in 2 days. For the first time in 8 months, I won’t be renewing it. I’m at the point where the stuff I get from it isn’t worth the money. $10 is not a lot, but I just don’t see the point for what really boils down to 100,00 gold from the gold event, and 600 5* shards from the milestones. If I was able to get a couple tier 2 alphas, and a tier 5 basic a month from it, I would be all over the offer. It also would not be game breaking.
Also, currently you can sell T4B for 900 T5B. In what other world would 3 T4CC equal 4.5k T5CC? That's double the current sell rate.
1.) (Update) T4CC Crystal, Uncollected, 1 T4B, 1 (2 for cavalier)
2.) (New) T4CC Selector, Cavalier, 1 T4B, 1 (2 for Throne breaker)
3.) (New) 5* Generic Signature Stone, Uncollected, 3 Class Specfic Signature Stones, 3 (5 for Thronebreaker)
4.) (Update) T1A, Conquerer, 2 T3B, 2 (3 for Uncollected and 5 For Cavalier)
5.) (New) 24 Class Selector Tier 5 ISO, Conquerer, 1.5k 4* shards, 1 (3 For Uncollected)
6.) (New) 1k 6* shards, Thronebreaker, 5k 5* shards, 2
7.) (New) Uncollected Gold Crystals, Conquerer, 2 gold crystals, 1 (3 for Uncollected and 5 for Thronebreaker)
8.) (New) 9k T2A, Cavalier, 8 T1A, 1 (2 for Thronebreaker)
9.) (New) 4500 T5B, Cavalier, 3 T4B, 1 (2 for Thronebreaker)
10.) (Update) 2000 5* shards, Uncollected, 2000 4* shards, 1 (2 for Cavalier and 3 For Thronebreaker)
That’s all for the store really, but for the gold quest I would up it by 50% or 100% increase to keep up with the 6* upgrade cost.
For the bonuses, I would only change 2 things,
- 1.) (Update) The XP boost. I would make it a Gold boost and keep the bonus the same percent that the XP is.
- 2.) (Concept) Maybe add a side quest with Platpool as the boss, but instead of gold it gives a platpool crystal on completion with a chance at pieces for plat pool!
These are things I would do to make the Sigil more worth in the long run, thanks for reading this post!
Edit: to your second point: that's why it's called a Black ISO-store
2 t4B for 1 t4cc selector (max 3 per cycle)
5K 5 star shards for 500 6 star shards (max 2 per cycle)
Discounted featured cavs (5 for 1K units)
Sig stone trade in (5 four star sig stones for 1 five star sig stone of the matching class, five per cycle)
A Trial of Thronebreaker that awards 1 6 star sig stone crystal and 200 six star shards a week alongside the existing Cav Rewards.