Summoner sigil



  • doctorbdoctorb Member Posts: 1,870 ★★★★

    My wish list....

    -Make the sigil rewards tier based... an UC player should not be getting PHC shards. The 5* shards are nice and all, but either make them the same for all 5 milestones, or replace the PHC shards with t2a fragments.
    - the black market store is great. The only thing I would like to see is more catalysts available. It would be nice to be able to form a half of t2a and half a tier 5 basic every week. I am currently UC, so I’m not sure what the Cav store looks like... forgive me if it is the above.
    - maybe add some more revives or health potions to the 7 day event or in the store. These items are kind of rare.

    I do believe more people would buy the sigil if they felt a value. For me, mine expires in 2 days. For the first time in 8 months, I won’t be renewing it. I’m at the point where the stuff I get from it isn’t worth the money. $10 is not a lot, but I just don’t see the point for what really boils down to 100,00 gold from the gold event, and 600 5* shards from

  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,129 ★★★★★
    Well that’s ridiculous. A thronebreaker or cavalier player has totally different wants than an uncollected player. The black iso market is tiered accordingly. The “test of” event is as well.

    Put the 6-star feature in the store with thronebreaker as the lowest price point, cavalier next, etc.

    Offer the ability to trade 5-star shards for 6-star shards with similar tiering to the current 4-5 cavalier exchange. It’s a natural step forward, and it fits within the evolving meta.

    I’ve complained that it’s long past time for t5cc to go to the glory store. The black iso market should also give 2% t5cc for 5 t4cc for cavalier and beyond. It’s an incredibly modest amount but a membership should provide some level of access to premium items. Having no 6-star stuff, t5b and t5cc makes it feel very dated.
  • AATTAATT Member Posts: 525 ★★★
    I'm still waiting Test of Thronebreaker and new items in Black ISO store for TBs. Come on, Kabam, if you wanted to release a brand new (and attractive title), you should had everything ready. I've been buying sigil from the beginning, now I don't want to do it anymore because new 22 and 7 hr rewards are much better than sigil offers
  • edited November 2020
    This content has been removed.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,832 Guardian
    ADDIS0N said:

    Unless you’re playing a different game than I am, you cannot get all of the available benefits from the Sigil without using or trading in resources of some kind.

    I wouldn't know. I've never played MCOC for any significant length of time without using any resources of any kind. That's like saying you can't get all of the benefits of the Sigil without logging in. This is true, and also meaningless.
  • PyrdaPyrda Member Posts: 255 ★★
    I like the sigil and for me it just needs a few changes:

    5* featured every 7 day
    Add a 6* featured once per sigil
    Pimp up the store to buy t1a or t4b and better exchange rates
    Better health pots
    And maybe an exchange 1 t4cc for 1 t5cc 5%

  • TelmaraelTelmarael Member Posts: 40
    edited November 2020
    Better conversion ratios for resources, twice shorter cooldown on featured crystals (they’ve lost quite some value after dual class crystals were introduced).
    Legendary crystal from 5k to 4K 4*shards
    1k 5* shards to 2k 5* shards for 4* shards
    Full 4* crystal for 3* shards for players cav+
    2k 3* shards into 2k 4* shards for cav+
    Better rates for catalyst conversion (720 t2a shards for 3 t1a, seriously?)
    Generally higher amount of exchanges available.

    T1cc selector for one t2cc, t2cc selector for one t3cc. This one is especially painful, as we have an abundance of t3cc with daily events, and not enough time to go and grind the low rank cc. I’d love to rank up my 2-3 star champs to play around with them, but I don’t have some of the long forgotten low rank catalysts.

    Basic iso to class iso conversion: x amount of basic tierX iso to a selector, which allows to choose the equal amount of class iso of an equal tier. 10 iso per selector, 3 times a week. Sounds reasonable.
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