Great month Kabam but fix the game crashing!

FiiNCHFiiNCH Member Posts: 1,694 ★★★★★
edited December 2020 in Bugs and Known Issues
It’s become an increasing issue over the last few months. I’ve only been experiencing it in AQ/questing/arena - but I’m sick of starting a fight, the game crashing and my champs losing 50% health before a single hit has been landed by either champion.

It would be good to hear some kind of communication from Kabam on this issue, because it’s getting tiresome. Especially in AQ.
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on


  • TylerTyler Member Posts: 41
    Same i have had problems loading game and freezing up in all parts of this game and loading from one part another part is bad hating connection problems that take a lot of minutes before i can go to other part of game and connection problems with opening crystals and when I'm fighting in quests or aq this has been happening for 4 weeks and it is unplayable game and kabam has done nothing to help fix the issues,
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  • TheAngryOneTheAngryOne Member Posts: 503 ★★★
    edited December 2020
    Please Kabam, an official statement regarding the ongoing issues is needed
  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,885 ★★★★★
    Yes, couldn't agree more
  • Kabam PorthosKabam Porthos Moderator Posts: 4,676
    Hey guys, I just wanted to take a moment to address some of the concerns you've expressed here.

    Firstly, we're aware that lag, crashing and performance issues can really affect how much you enjoy playing the game. As a result, we've been conducting an ongoing investigation into these issues. Using the feedback provided by players, we try to identify the various things that cause them to happen, we then try to develop and implement improvements as soon as possible in an effort to reduce the likelihood of them occurring.

    There are many devices capable of running the game and there are many different factors which can cause things like these to happen. Even though we're able to make improvements on our end, we're unable to make any changes to your device or the network connection being used to access our servers. The unfortunate truth is that we won't be able to resolve all lag, crashing and performance issues for all players on all devices.

    If you feel we haven't communicated enough about these issues, I suggest using the Forum Search tool, located on the right-hand-side of every Forum page. A review of other discussions about these issues will show that we've responded many times, stating that we're working to make improvements and we want to keep everyone's feedback in the dedicated threads below to help with our investigations.

    - Android Lag and Performance Issues Thread
    - iOS Lag and Performance Issues Thread

    I'm not really sure how much more information we can share with you about this without starting to discuss specific issues which are affecting individual players. If you've reported an issue in one of the threads above by providing the information outlined in our Bug Report Template, we are already looking into it.

    We have a limited number of Moderators working in these Forums so providing regular updates to individual players about specific issues is simply not feasible. However, we have a large Support Team who are always ready to help. If you are concerned that an issue you've been experiencing hasn't been resolved yet and would like a direct response, I recommend reaching out to them by clicking HERE.
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