Alliance goes from Tier 2 down to Tier 6 in AW

I know there has been a lot discussed around AW but I just had to bring this up.
Our alliance has been flipping between Tier 2 and 3 for quite a while. We'd get to Tier 2, stick around for a few wars, lose a couple to drop back to Tier 3 and repeat.
With the big change to AW, we have lost every single match and dropped down to Tier 6. This is obviously due to each battle group getting 100% and diversity. I mean I have to put in 4/40 heroes for defence because my 5/50 defenders that I ranked up aren't as strong as other people who have the 5 star version. All those resources put into Magik, Mordo, Spidey, NC, Jugs, etc just wasted with them sitting on the bench. Personally, I liked AW before, now I don't event want to participate.
I'm hoping the increase in difficult will resolve this. It really sucks to lose matches when you 100% because the other team has a higher defender rating with slightly more diversity.
My question is that if the changes don't resolve the issues players are having, does KABAM have any back up tweaks?
Also, do they have any plans to maybe sell rank down tickets? I understand they have no interest in giving them away but I'd certainly buy a few for champs I specifically ranked for AW who are no longer used.
Our alliance has been flipping between Tier 2 and 3 for quite a while. We'd get to Tier 2, stick around for a few wars, lose a couple to drop back to Tier 3 and repeat.
With the big change to AW, we have lost every single match and dropped down to Tier 6. This is obviously due to each battle group getting 100% and diversity. I mean I have to put in 4/40 heroes for defence because my 5/50 defenders that I ranked up aren't as strong as other people who have the 5 star version. All those resources put into Magik, Mordo, Spidey, NC, Jugs, etc just wasted with them sitting on the bench. Personally, I liked AW before, now I don't event want to participate.
I'm hoping the increase in difficult will resolve this. It really sucks to lose matches when you 100% because the other team has a higher defender rating with slightly more diversity.
My question is that if the changes don't resolve the issues players are having, does KABAM have any back up tweaks?
Also, do they have any plans to maybe sell rank down tickets? I understand they have no interest in giving them away but I'd certainly buy a few for champs I specifically ranked for AW who are no longer used.
This discussion has been closed.
P.S. NC and magik are good attackers
Very risky to make the call to start new rank ups if you know more changes are coming.
This is one of the points I bring up. I focused on using resources to bring up champs then don't use them because of changes. You ask why not focus on ranking up new champs for new content?
Well first, resources to rank to 5/50 aren't cheap or extremely easy to come by. 5 T4b and 3 T4CC is expensive, especially the class catalysts. This isn't something I can just do tomorrow, especially while they are still making changes. Furthermore, I'm not exactly too keen on bringing Iron Patriot to 5/50 (who is one of my defenders because of diversity now). Which leaves me at a dilemma, do I rant IP to 5/50 for defence rating and diversity or do I rank up my 5 star Rocket Racoon to 3/45? Who would you prefer to rank up?
Also you mention that NC and Magik are good attackers. True, but on my roster they aren't anything special. I have 4/55 star Lord, 3/45 Elektra, Yellow Jacket and Magik. I have other 5/50 champs I prefer like Gwenpool, Dr Voodoo, Thor, Vision, Archangel, etc.
Rank up rocket. He’s great. Plus he does count as diversity. I’m ranking up dormamu soon but not to place him on defense because I run suicides and want him for power control.
I suggest ranking up champs that could help in some way offensively because you can place them for diversity. ip is not a good rank up due to his low Pi since wars are decided by rating. My defense is 5/50 gr, sl, hulk, cross bones, and 4/55 drax lol
My mistake, totally agree than.
Rank ups are gonna suck though. Hate the idea that diversity is supposed to allow me more options on my roster but its not even close to that. I'm gonna have to rank up my highest PI champs that are divers and stick to them. Still plays no valuable impact on making use of my roster. Seems like a PI war now, identical to AQ. Oh well, what can we do at this point.
To answer your questions @Slickpetey, updating Alliance War is going to be an iterative process, so we're going to continue incorporating community feedback and making adjustments to the game mode to make it more engaging and to address player concerns. As for the rank down tickets, we don't have any plans for releasing them unless changes are made directly to a champion that makes it so that it can't function in the way it used to before. Since both questions have been addressed, this thread will be closed, but I'd like to to encourage everyone with feedback and suggestions for AW to check out the 15.0 Alliance War discussion thread, since it'll be easier for us to gather and take feedback into account when it is all in the same place.