Dash Back After Special Not working [Fix in Progress]



  • Mase1127Mase1127 Member Posts: 60 ★★
    AQ Map 6 is going to be an absolute nightmare tomorrow with these bugs.....
  • TDogg74TDogg74 Member Posts: 2
    Here's DD not attacking after stunning (& when did YJ get Unstoppable?)

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  • YldzbsgYldzbsg Member Posts: 5
    İPhone 6s doesn’t enough after special recovery time,
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  • mostlyharmlessnmostlyharmlessn Member Posts: 1,388 ★★★★

    WS against blade Master 1.2 Screen touch was turned on you can see holding the block but it doesn't go up after using sp1

    Seriously, this sums it up. Players used to be able to interrupt the remainder of our own champion's SP1 and SP2 animation, but after this update we can't anymore.

    This hurts all those champs that has long animations after their SPs, like WS, Punisher, Deadpool, Gambit, Hulk, etc.

    C'mon man, since when using SP attacks have a trade off of letting the AI combo the **** out of you right after?

    Well looking at it, there's so much space between WS and blade there's no excuse for the block not to go up...
  • Rednick69Rednick69 Member Posts: 325
    So yeah, 18 pages and I haven't found a response yet.
  • RandomlyGeneratedRandomlyGenerated Member, Content Creators Posts: 121 Content Creator
    AQ starting in 3 hours...map 6 gonna be extra fun...Kabam's incompetence knows no bound.
  • Sith_LordSith_Lord Member Posts: 254 ★★
    Hey everybody, first I wanted to say thanks so much for providing all that data on this issue; I seriously can't overstate how helpful the data, gifs, and video are in situations like this. I also wanted to let everyone know that we are working on getting a fix out as quickly as possible. We'll update here with more information as soon as we're able.

    And when will that be? An entire month later, just like the double evade bug from months ago was going to get a fix out "as quickly as possible"? Not trying to be a d**k, but this seems to be the company's MO...
  • Pepe_Le_ShuaPepe_Le_Shua Member Posts: 1
    iPhone 7 : IOS 11.0 : all characters I’ve used in questing and war have this issue. When special is blocked and or missed. I cannot dash back or block at all. Even if we are on opposites ends of fight and there is ample time for block. It is both Sp1 and Sp2.
  • AlexVanDamme81AlexVanDamme81 Member Posts: 83
    Hey everybody, first I wanted to say thanks so much for providing all that data on this issue; I seriously can't overstate how helpful the data, gifs, and video are in situations like this. I also wanted to let everyone know that we are working on getting a fix out as quickly as possible. We'll update here with more information as soon as we're able.

    You must fix very quick bro. I’m playing a really unplayable War in this moment for your defections!

    I wanna See all those fight bugs resolve before the start of aq tomorrow!
    And you must give us a compensation for people lose “TIME” and a lot of items in Act 5, LOL and alliance war!

    Fix Kabam! Fix fast!
  • PalanthraxPalanthrax Member Posts: 918 ★★★★
    This is one of the biggest and worst bugs in the history of the game. All players and champs are affected. This needs a HOT FIX, nothing else will do. If a new client needs to be issued to the Apple and Play stores, do it. We can’t play for a month or more like this.
  • Tman0971Tman0971 Member Posts: 354 ★★
    MAN! I wish iphone had the touch indicator like Android... SO helpful for proving these crappy bugs!
  • KyrieRedKyrieRed Member Posts: 287 ★★
    Now it’s gonna take 3 months to fix this damn bug. Such a incompetence of you Kabam. This is a game issue not a device issue because everyone it’s having the issues. C’mon Man
  • GK625GK625 Member Posts: 23
    Dash forward is also delayed after firing special. This is an unfortunate delay as successfully fighting limber nodes in AW depends on how quickly you can attack after a parry/stun, etc. Every champ, iPhone 7 Plus
  • RaganatorRaganator Member Posts: 2,593 ★★★★★
    edited September 2017
  • Nabz034Nabz034 Member Posts: 221 ★★
    we cant dash forward immediately after landing an S1 either.
  • Pez106Pez106 Member Posts: 11
    edited September 2017
    GR ranked up 4* vs. Magick ranked up 4* in AW. Dash back failed after a L1 special.

    Lost the fight because of it :( or maybe the would have lost any way.

    Edit. iPad 2.
  • VoluntarisVoluntaris Member Posts: 1,198 ★★★
    AQ starting in 3 hours...map 6 gonna be extra fun...Kabam's incompetence knows no bound.

    Pretty sure AQ starts tomorrow, not today.

    You are correct in that Map 6 gonna be a pain this upcoming AQ session unless Kabam fixes the major stuck for a second or 2 after specials bug.
  • KpatrixKpatrix Member Posts: 1,056 ★★★
    Just lost hulk and starlord on Juggs miniboss. Had him down to 9k health from 158k, L2 on starlord and I could dash which got me combo'd for the kill. Went to finish with hulk and same issue, only I got ko'd with 337 health left on Juggs. Complete inability to swipe in or out after a special, paired with Juggs unstoppable and I'm forking out units for a revive I shouldn't need for a one sneeze fight. Thanks. Mix that in with the war nodes not changing as advertised and I think we deserve an apology for what this is costing us. Really unacceptable that we plan defense for the announced changes which somehow got left out (no suprise) and still stuck with ridiculous scoring that doesn't reward skill.

    May as well give full rewards to everyone who 100% maps since this isn't about which alliance plays better.its all about completing the map. I'm really considering asking for a refund as I bought units based on the udpate notes and they were not correct.
  • JingoJingo Member Posts: 32
    iPhone 6splus. iOS 11
    Also not just specials. Voodoo 5 hit combo ending on medium has long animation and gets combo’d back even holding block after final swipe
  • UnsaferBinkie7UnsaferBinkie7 Member Posts: 658 ★★
    Aq and aw will be inevitable.
    Leave a review of the game right now, give the the star they deserve, show them how we're feeling right now in the app store and Google play store. Stop spending guys.
  • Motek87Motek87 Member Posts: 1
    iOS 11.0.1 iPhone 7
    Game closes if I try to multitask. I come back to it and it boots the game from scratch instead of just continuing where it left off. Don’t even have to be gone more than 10 seconds
  • Nabz034Nabz034 Member Posts: 221 ★★
    Kabam, was altering the ability to move forward or back after using a special something that was implemented? or is this a bug?

    I am running 11.1 IOS Iphone 7, connected to wifi so let's not blame the devices for this...

    If this wasnt planned in the 15.0 update and is a true bug, if everyone is having the same issues, cant the game team emulate this and see what the deal is?
  • Nabz034Nabz034 Member Posts: 221 ★★
    Nabz034 wrote: »
    Kabam, was altering the ability to move forward or back after using a special something that was implemented? or is this a bug?

    I am running 11.1 IOS Iphone 7, connected to wifi so let's not blame the devices for this...

    If this wasnt planned in the 15.0 update and is a true bug, if everyone is having the same issues, cant the game team emulate this and see what the deal is?

    It is definitely not intentional, and is a bug. The Game team has been able to emulate it and have found a potential fix for the situation. We're currently testing it to ensure that it isn't creating any other issues. We're working our fastest and hardest to make sure that this fix is out to you as soon as it possibly can be, but this is a fix that requires engineering time!

    Thank you
  • NevvBNevvB Member Posts: 287 ★★★
    Nabz034 wrote: »
    Kabam, was altering the ability to move forward or back after using a special something that was implemented? or is this a bug?

    I am running 11.1 IOS Iphone 7, connected to wifi so let's not blame the devices for this...

    If this wasnt planned in the 15.0 update and is a true bug, if everyone is having the same issues, cant the game team emulate this and see what the deal is?

    It is definitely not intentional, and is a bug. The Game team has been able to emulate it and have found a potential fix for the situation. We're currently testing it to ensure that it isn't creating any other issues. We're working our fastest and hardest to make sure that this fix is out to you as soon as it possibly can be, but this is a fix that requires engineering time!

    Is there an eta? Maybe around the end of today or tmrw? Or next wk?

    And when the fix comes out would we have to download extra files or is this server side?
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