Guillotine99 shield bug

BlablarBlablar Member Posts: 26
Hey guys her shield is buged do yo know about this bug ??? My guilly99 is a 6 rank 3 i put 200 stone on hit so shield is activating every time when iam hit normally but no with special power.

For exemple today sasquash in AQ one shoted me with his sp1 and didnt receive any hit before and it should protect me ( not more than 10% of life per hit ) very annoying it hapens me often.

Hier shield should protect from sp1 and sp2 we agree ???


  • BlablarBlablar Member Posts: 26
    Even on apocalypse last time i lost all my life with only 1 sp1
  • DigletGamingDigletGaming Member Posts: 849 ★★★★
    edited February 2021
    Blablar said:

    Hey guys her shield is buged do yo know about this bug ??? My guilly99 is a 6 rank 3 i put 200 stone on hit so shield is activating every time when iam hit normally but no with special power.

    For exemple today sasquash in AQ one shoted me with his sp1 and didnt receive any hit before and it should protect me ( not more than 10% of life per hit ) very annoying it hapens me often.

    Hier shield should protect from sp1 and sp2 we agree ???

    are you talking about the combo shield or the cloak?
    I dont think the cloak can activate during special attacks...
  • JragonMaster170JragonMaster170 Member Posts: 2,049 ★★★★★
    edited February 2021
    If I'm understanding what you're saying, Sasquatch can stun through block on his sp1 during Wrath of Tanaraq.

    I don't know about Apoc though

    Edit: Wait, cloak or block? If so...

    The cloak doesn't activate from special attacks
  • BlablarBlablar Member Posts: 26
    Sorry guys my english is not so good but im talking about her combo shield protection which is normally working for any hit or any sp 1 and 2 but not sp3...

    Any sp1 or 2 should not one shot me normally maximum 10% per hit and it happens me very often
  • pseudosanepseudosane Member, Guardian Posts: 4,074 Guardian
    @Blablar It activates only when hit by a light or medium attack. After it is activated, sp1/sp2 cannot do more than 10%. But if you are hit before being hit by light/medium attack, combo shield will not activate.

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