X-107 is rebuilding, looking for some active players for Map 3 and AW

X-107 - Shi'ar Imperial Guard

This is our sister Alliance to X-101. We're looking for some active heads who want to grow. Looking for players who are level 17+ and are capable of finishing Map 3. No donations required. Line app is ideal, but not 100% necessary yet. Alliance is set to Open so just come on down. If you'd like to know more, hit me up on Line.

Line ID - siriusbreak
IGN - Sirius Break (X-101 officer account)
tηκaλλίotη23 (X-107 officer account)

PS - C&P the 107 account ID to locate me


  • jcruz2133jcruz2133 Member Posts: 152
    Hey if youre interested in joining a starter alliance that is trying to win wars and quests, a Merger is a possibility! -609- is a starter alliance for 6-0-9. Some of us have our 2nd accounts, and some are newer players learning how to play. Joining forces might be beneficial! We already have a solid 6 players in our Line chat talking about war strategies.

    Let me know if interested!! Line ID: jcruz2133

    If youre too advanced for -609-, 6-0-9 is also recruiting for players AT LEAST 35k rating.
  • SiriusBreakSiriusBreak Member, Guardian Posts: 2,156 Guardian
    This is our sister Alliance. If you guys want to come this way, sure. But I'm not leaving here to go anywhere. So thanks, but no thanks.
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