Expert Mutant Mayhem chest giving wrong amount of fragments

The chest on the harder side of the Expert class catalyst quests is supposed to give 100 fragments and the chest on the easier side gives 50. It works this way in every class catalyst quest except for the Mutant one.
Since sometime last year both chests in the Expert Mutant quest give only 50 fragments. I realize 50 fragments of a t4cc isn't much but when I am spending a good chunk of daily energy running the quest I should get the full amount of fragments.

Since sometime last year both chests in the Expert Mutant quest give only 50 fragments. I realize 50 fragments of a t4cc isn't much but when I am spending a good chunk of daily energy running the quest I should get the full amount of fragments.

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Would a mod please address this? It is Friday now and come Monday the Mutant quest will be running with the same problem again. Would really appreciate a response.
Will someone please address this issue?
Seems like it should be extremely simple for them to verify and I would imagine the code with the number of fragments for the mutant Quest should just be exactly the same as the other class quests so I would think that would be a quick fix as well.
This is still happening. Will someone please address this?
I have asked for an acknowledgement of this issue but no one has had the courtesy to address it. Interestingly enough though you seem to have the time to remove posts but not to make a quick comment. I'm not questioning "moderation" decisions, I'm commenting on the lack of a reply which would take all of 30 seconds.
All I'm asking for is a mod to say they will take this to the appropriate people to have it fixed. It doesn't seem like it should be a complicated issue to resolve. I'm not demanding or even asking for compensation, I just would like someone to get this fixed. I don't think I have been rude.
I don't understand the purpose of a bug reporting forum when so many of the bugs reported don't get any kind of response from moderators. How are we supposed to know if something is being addressed or if it still needs brought to your attention when you don't let us know you have seen what we have posted and are passing the information on?
Can someone please address this? I ran the mystic expert event yesterday and as expected received the 100 fragments from the harder chest and 50 fragments from the easier chest. When I ran mutant earlier this week it was still the wrong amount.
I stick with Uncollected/Master/Heroic EQ and whatever I can handle in side quest and then spend the rest of my energy on catalyst quests. I don't think it is unreasonable to expect that I should receive the intended rewards for spending the energy resource on whatever quest I decide to run, regardless of the reasons for running it or the actual value of the rewards.
Please just provide me with assurance that you will forward this issue to your coders or whoever deals with fixing your bugs. I want the issue fixed for going forward. I don't know how else to explain to you that I am not looking for account specific action that would necessitate my dealing with your support agents. I want the overall issue that would be affecting the entire player base fixed.
Can one of you please address this? Issue is still ongoing.