Merged: AQ is not starting.



  • LuisBvvLuisBvv Member Posts: 139 ★★
    Yeah it ends up being a 30 minute timer basically
  • Grootman1294Grootman1294 Member Posts: 897 ★★★★
    LuisBvv said:

    Yeah it ends up being a 30 minute timer basically

    So we're gonna lose half an hour every day?
  • totheendoftotheendof Member Posts: 50
    Once again, was kicked out and the timer restarts for day two.
  • DrekaknDrekakn Member Posts: 54
    Timer resets again. Seems like it’ll be late an additional 15 minutes each day
  • KnightZeroKnightZero Member Posts: 1,437 ★★★★★
    Yeah happened again.
  • ItsDamienItsDamien Member Posts: 5,626 ★★★★★

    LuisBvv said:

    Yeah it ends up being a 30 minute timer basically

    So we're gonna lose half an hour every day?
    That's not a terrible thing. We also gained 2 energy at the start of each AQ, which is 1h30m of energy. So each day we've gained 1h more than previous.
  • Danemo666Danemo666 Member Posts: 166 ★★

    LuisBvv said:

    Yeah it ends up being a 30 minute timer basically

    So we're gonna lose half an hour every day?
    Seems to be that way. At least we start with 6 energy, where I live it's not too bad since it's not too late in the evening. But can imagine this must have a big effect on some timezones
  • spaceoctopusspaceoctopus Member Posts: 1,111 ★★★
    AQ does not start automatically.

    It doesn’t begin until someone enters it. This is why sometimes you’ll see a non-officer “start” it.

    They then can play.

    Then it starts a 15 minute timer for everyone else before they can enter.
  • PsyGrinder_XPsyGrinder_X Member Posts: 58
    Can't join day 2 of AQ. Timer keeps resetting.
    Surprised? I'm not. Way to test run Kabam.
  • Grootman1294Grootman1294 Member Posts: 897 ★★★★

    AQ does not start automatically.

    It doesn’t begin until someone enters it. This is why sometimes you’ll see a non-officer “start” it.

    They then can play.

    Then it starts a 15 minute timer for everyone else before they can enter.

    Nice. Soon they'll want us to do the rain dance to get in lol
  • LuisBvvLuisBvv Member Posts: 139 ★★
    That’s not how it was suppose to work
  • FlushFlush Member Posts: 117
    Whats deal with aq day 2 started and i joined but for other members timer still showing for them so they cant join, how can yous take week of aq and still not get it right wasn't that purpose so there wouldn't be issues
  • ch4rnch4rn Member Posts: 275 ★★
    ItsDamien said:

    LuisBvv said:

    Yeah it ends up being a 30 minute timer basically

    So we're gonna lose half an hour every day?
    That's not a terrible thing. We also gained 2 energy at the start of each AQ, which is 1h30m of energy. So each day we've gained 1h more than previous.
    Depends which side of the world you're sitting in. I've got players in my alli staying up to get their first set of moves down before calling it a night. Having to wait 30mins+ per day just kills movement when it's the early hours for players from Asia nearby
  • DontsellthemDontsellthem Member Posts: 774 ★★★
    Can’t get in now
  • ItsDamienItsDamien Member Posts: 5,626 ★★★★★
    ch4rn said:

    ItsDamien said:

    LuisBvv said:

    Yeah it ends up being a 30 minute timer basically

    So we're gonna lose half an hour every day?
    That's not a terrible thing. We also gained 2 energy at the start of each AQ, which is 1h30m of energy. So each day we've gained 1h more than previous.
    Depends which side of the world you're sitting in. I've got players in my alli staying up to get their first set of moves down before calling it a night. Having to wait 30mins+ per day just kills movement when it's the early hours for players from Asia nearby
    Well now they can make 2 extra moves for a trade off of waiting an unintended extra 15 minutes wait.
  • LibertyPrimeV1LibertyPrimeV1 Member Posts: 4,179 ★★★★★
    My Alliancemate was able to join on the first Start Timer, but then when he had to restart the game it brought the Start Timer back...
  • ch4rnch4rn Member Posts: 275 ★★
    ItsDamien said:

    ch4rn said:

    ItsDamien said:

    LuisBvv said:

    Yeah it ends up being a 30 minute timer basically

    So we're gonna lose half an hour every day?
    That's not a terrible thing. We also gained 2 energy at the start of each AQ, which is 1h30m of energy. So each day we've gained 1h more than previous.
    Depends which side of the world you're sitting in. I've got players in my alli staying up to get their first set of moves down before calling it a night. Having to wait 30mins+ per day just kills movement when it's the early hours for players from Asia nearby
    Well now they can make 2 extra moves for a trade off of waiting an unintended extra 15 minutes wait.
    yeah, because staying up until 2am to help your alliance, and then having to wait a further 30 mins is pretty much daft and counter productive if they cant stay up. Jheez
  • Kabam ValkyrieKabam Valkyrie Moderator Posts: 698
    This discussion has been merged.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 12,280 Guardian
    1st person to Start your AQ apparently gets to STAY in the AQ, and do their nodes.
    Even though for rest of Ally, the 2nd round of 15 Minute Countdown starts and are locked out.

    Once 2nd countdown ends (so 30 min total), saw the original person was STILL INSIDE his BG, nodes still completed, and chat still saying they had started it 15 minutes earlier.

    So just rest of Ally was shut out for extra 15 minutes.

    Still unsure what START BUTTON that initial person must be seeing and pressing to begin and enter AQ.
    Does someone have a screenshot, does it actually say START ? Or is it just that they are first person to press CONTINUE and then Join their BG ?
  • Crine60Crine60 Member Posts: 1,415 ★★★★
    I don't understand how we had to take time off from AQ so you could get it implemented correctly but somehow managed to fail to do so and then with weeks or even months of advance planning decided to start all these changes on the weekend when you won't be staffed to respond to the issues.
  • Crine60Crine60 Member Posts: 1,415 ★★★★
    Nedgang said:

    Hello, using auto-start in aq we have lost 15 minutes. It started at 21:15 and ended ar 21 today....

    That is how it is supposed to work. The extra delay in start time is a bug of course but the 23 hour 45 minute maximum play time is intended. They are ending everyone's daily AQ 15 minutes before the next one is supposed to start up.
  • LibertyPrimeV1LibertyPrimeV1 Member Posts: 4,179 ★★★★★
    Crine60 said:

    Nedgang said:

    Hello, using auto-start in aq we have lost 15 minutes. It started at 21:15 and ended ar 21 today....

    That is how it is supposed to work. The extra delay in start time is a bug of course but the 23 hour 45 minute maximum play time is intended. They are ending everyone's daily AQ 15 minutes before the next one is supposed to start up.
    See that really sucks, if this Simple Automated System means we'll lose 15 Minutes of AQ everytime then I'd prefer the Manual Start... But I know a lot of Leaders/Officers are in Late Timezones or Work during AQ Start would really appreciate the Automation, and we can't ask for the Option to have Automated Or Manual because then the people who use Manual would have an Unfair Advantage of 15 Extra Minutes...

    What makes the Automated System take 15 Minutes though? Cause that's a Long Time for what, manually, took like 8 Button Clicks and 30 seconds at most.
  • LordPSNLordPSN Member Posts: 799 ★★★★
    Still no update. Believe me when day 3 AQ delays again by 15 min, everyone will start posting here...
    Come on guys... Any updates? @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit
  • SupervlinderSupervlinder Member Posts: 73
    Aaaaaand again. So is this normal or not? Doesn’t really feel like an improvement yet this way...
  • Hades_2Hades_2 Member Posts: 48
    @Kabam Miike yet again day 3 issues with AQ
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 12,280 Guardian
    ** INSIGHT into problem,

    So, I was first one in Ally today to take a look at it. When first 15 min countdown expired, the CONTINUE button immediately showed up.

    So I clicked CONTINUE, to screen showing the 3 BG's and JOIN/SPECTATE options.

    However, I did NOT join in, instead I backed out to previous screen to see what would happen.
    (yesterday, the first person in our Ally must have actually Joined, because their path was already complete yesterday when second Countdown expired and then let others in)

    (so back to today) That is when game switched over to new second round of another 15 min Countdown Timer (when I backed out instead of proceeding with Join or Spectate).

    No more CONTINUE Button, just the new countdown.

    I know it wasn’t anyone else that started our AQ, because Ally Pane says that I was the one that just started it (even though I really didn’t).

    So apparently, whoever is first one to even click past CONTINUE and see the 3 BG panes, causes the Countdown to restart again, no matter whether they actually started (Joined) a BG or not (just backed out).
  • nienienienienienie Member Posts: 67
    Same issue with Day 3 of AQ. A non-officer in our alliance was first to join AQ after we got notification that AQ was starting. Now the other 29 players in the alliance have to wait 15 minutes before they can join. (We set up all 5 days of AQ in advance of this cycle.)
  • Ironside47Ironside47 Member Posts: 481 ★★★
    This must be embarrassing for kabam having had so long to prepare this shambles
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 12,280 Guardian
    Wondering what the exact timing of the second countdown (and locking others out) is...

    1. Is it when the first person clicks path JUST the “CONTINUE” button (but does NOT yet actually Join, Spectate, or back out) ?

    2. Or is it ONLY WHEN someone actually does that next step (either Join, Spectate, or back out).

    If #2 above, then maybe a well-coordinated and group chat alliance can test out next time getting several people past the “Continue” screen, but DON'T actually do the “Join” until the others are at that point as well. And then all of you try to JOIN at once after you are all on that 3 Bg Panel screen.
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