Are parry and dex issues now permanent features?

Not fixed and content just rolling out.
Of coarse I don’t expect the game to sit in a static state. However; you (Kabam) continue with all the timed content. Where we have to finish in a predetermined timeframe.
Maybe this wouldn’t be as a big of a deal if, almost every package revolved around AQ. Alliance quests are not even close to the most challenging, it’s actually probably the least challenging of all content for most players if the are playing at their own level. Yet, this is where all the compensation is. Where players need it least? People are still beating your content. Still paying in a lot of cases. Quite literally paying for defective product and hoping that you have the moral character as a profit driven machine to do the right thing. It’s a lot of trust people are putting into your company, who has done things in the past like release the champion 6.2.6 with an unkillable bug, sent out an email saying he’s fixed just prior to releasing a new version of the game where he’s bugged again. And what was said about that? “ we’re sorry about that, but we’re working hard to fix it and we’re gonna send out a compensation package that doesn’t replace your resources but rewards the community as whole instead” because it would make too much sense and be too much work to pay a customer back for your mistakes as the business being supported by said customers…
I don’t want compensation
I don’t need trinkets
That’s why I have put up with unscrupulous practices for years
I’m not “crying” because I can’t beat your content or afford resources. Ive beat everything to except this months EQ and Emma sop
I just want to know
Is this like starlord and Deadpool’s missing 4th hit from years ago???
Will this also take 6-8 months to fix, while you continue rolling out end game content that’s further stacked against us because the game randomly decides to stop functioning?
As a customer who’s spent a ridiculous amount of money, I would like to know. These compensation packages mean nothing for where I am in the game or where my resources are focused.
Is there an end anywhere in sight @kabam or do I follow you with blind faith. Because support definitely isn’t giving any answers and this is our only source of information
I am not trying to incite anyone or make any accusations. I simply can’t find any reasonable answer or solution other than taking a break until you rectify this situation
Of coarse I don’t expect the game to sit in a static state. However; you (Kabam) continue with all the timed content. Where we have to finish in a predetermined timeframe.
Maybe this wouldn’t be as a big of a deal if, almost every package revolved around AQ. Alliance quests are not even close to the most challenging, it’s actually probably the least challenging of all content for most players if the are playing at their own level. Yet, this is where all the compensation is. Where players need it least? People are still beating your content. Still paying in a lot of cases. Quite literally paying for defective product and hoping that you have the moral character as a profit driven machine to do the right thing. It’s a lot of trust people are putting into your company, who has done things in the past like release the champion 6.2.6 with an unkillable bug, sent out an email saying he’s fixed just prior to releasing a new version of the game where he’s bugged again. And what was said about that? “ we’re sorry about that, but we’re working hard to fix it and we’re gonna send out a compensation package that doesn’t replace your resources but rewards the community as whole instead” because it would make too much sense and be too much work to pay a customer back for your mistakes as the business being supported by said customers…
I don’t want compensation
I don’t need trinkets
That’s why I have put up with unscrupulous practices for years
I’m not “crying” because I can’t beat your content or afford resources. Ive beat everything to except this months EQ and Emma sop
I just want to know
Is this like starlord and Deadpool’s missing 4th hit from years ago???
Will this also take 6-8 months to fix, while you continue rolling out end game content that’s further stacked against us because the game randomly decides to stop functioning?
As a customer who’s spent a ridiculous amount of money, I would like to know. These compensation packages mean nothing for where I am in the game or where my resources are focused.
Is there an end anywhere in sight @kabam or do I follow you with blind faith. Because support definitely isn’t giving any answers and this is our only source of information
I am not trying to incite anyone or make any accusations. I simply can’t find any reasonable answer or solution other than taking a break until you rectify this situation
Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on
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1) Why would it benefit Kabam to keep a bug in the game? Especially cuz it's harming most players, and a lot of them have stopped trying content, and spending?
2) They mentioned that they will send out a regular compensation package, not just an alliance one. Read the timeline post. For now, they are trying to solve the issue.
3) Most 'bugs' are caused because of other things that would actually benefit us as players. I believe @DNA3000 mentioned that the parry-dex bug was a side product of upgrading processors (or something of that sort, forgive me if I'm not entirely right). A lot of other bugs were also caused by some new abilities implemented.
4) It is absolutely ridiculous to assume Kabam is going to send you a compensation package tailored to your own needs and wants. The very best they can do is send out packages based on progression. (In reply to OP saying, "we’re sorry about that, but we’re working hard to fix it and we’re gonna send out a compensation package that doesn’t replace your resources but rewards the community as whole instead" and "These compensation packages mean nothing for where I am in the game or where my resources are focused")
5) Not sure what Kabam is going to do about the release of endgame content. They may delay it. But of course that would incite backlash from people who were looking forward to it, having nothing left to do in the game, and people who aren't affected by the bug (yes, they exist) and people who saved up pots and revives for the content. So yeah, backlash either way.
6) Spending 'a ridiculous amount of money' doesn't entitle you to more information or answers, or any special status.
7) You say you're not trying to accuse anyone. You also say, "That’s why I have put up with unscrupulous practices for years". I would say that that's an accusation.
8) Aight, take a break then.
Have you ever sent a ticket to Kabam?
Do you even play this game?
I’m not sure why you would Taylor a massive post that has zero information, and does nothing to explain anything at all. You’re quoting other players and speculation.
But since you decided to troll me in defense of a product that even the company in control of has said is currently defective. By the way I said” I am not trying to incite anyone or make any accusations. I simply can’t find any reasonable answer or solution other than taking a break until you rectify this situation”
Your number 1
The majority of money comes from people you call whales. The contest realeses a lot of timed content. Permanent content comes with the “prestige” of beating it day 1. you must be new to the game if you don’t understand. But The game doesn’t make or break on 5$ offers, sorry
They mentioned they were trying.. that’s cute and all. But telling us they broke the game and are “trying” and then repeating it is actually where the frustration comes from
Ok… let’s see if I can make sense of the relevance of this one. Most bugs are a side effect of something for our benefit, and according to someone not employed at Kabam it’s from faster processing.(wow)
Car manufacturers want to provide you a faster car. They offer a turbo, that turbo blows your motor. They issue a press release and say just keep paying to fix it, and we’ll work on how it functions and why that’s happening. No recall no replacements it’s on you until they come up with a fix. Then they’ll issue that replacement.
As for @DNA3000 he seems pretty competent, intelligent and reasonable. However; I think it’s quite reasonable for me to not want to hear from a third party, and rather take my information from someone who collects a check from Kabam
This is my favorite, and proves how little you must understand about how their data tracking system works. I bet you think “lag” is from you having a constant stream/connection with Kabam too lol.
When you send a ticket over a specific issue. Like the champion fight (since it’s the example already used) the responding representative looks at your account, where they literally can see exactly how many times you’ve fought and what potions you’ve used each of those times. Whether you’re aware of it or not, Kabams policy was quite different the first year to year and half of this game. The responding agent used to have the power to send you reimbursement during your exchange with them. But a change was made. I can only speculate as to why, which I’m not going y to o because that would be ban worthy even with tangible proof.. the point is you are factually wrong as Kabam has done this and I have been the recipient of it as well as things like undoing a move in a quest, or receiving mis spent until back. You wrong factually wrong it’s a policy not an impossibility!
Another great one “ I’m not sure what there going to do” then why comment!
But …. I am an endgame player, I guess you didn’t read the post before spewing nonsense about the content of it. I farm pots and they aren’t delaying anything but was season so far. Summer of pain is still ongoing. Are you foolish enough to believe that no one is spending too complete challenges that you only have 7 days to do?! There are t3a and t6b as rewards! Obviously you’re not the type of player that’s trying to achieve that.
Another golden one.
I made a post. Lol. This isn’t private. I didn’t ask for special privileges, or more information. And if on the exceptionally minute chance they actually answered. You would have benefited as well. I believe any paying customer should want ansi and us entitled to them. You pay for a product you have the right to know why it isn’t functioning as advertised and what they are doing about it. Since this game exists as non tangible and items have “no cash value” basic consumer rights don’t apply. So this forum becomes the only place customers can call for action or make anything resembling a demand for answers. But PEOPLE LIKE YOU who attack and question your fellow players concerns and inquiries do nothing, but hinder the process and damage our ability to enact what little we can to find these answers. It’s detrimental to moving the discussion forward.
“You would say it’s an accusation” do you understand what the word unscrupulous means? Do you understand what for profit is?
Let’s give a very simple example of how a minor change would effect profits and benefit future players. One that has been suggested over and over for years
When you purchase willpower it has a clear description of its healing ability.
When you purchase liquid courage it clearly says how much health it will take from you.
If you read every characters ability description for champions that use poison SOME of them say reduces healing by 30%, but not all of them.
As I’m sure you know. All poisons in the battlerealm have this effect.
Yet they don’t all say this. Do believe that it’s up to a new player to know that it’s every poison? Do expect that a new player find the forum and search that out? Even if you do believe it’s on them. Do you actually believe they all actually go on here and find that out?
Do you believe that Kabam isn’t aware of this discrepancy?
Are you aware that this subject has been brought up numerous times?
Are you aware that Kabam sells carbonium cores for real currency?
Do you believe that never once has someone spent money based on liquid courage’s description with its glaring omission of healing reduction?
Now lastly, are you aware that Kabam regularly makes clarification changes to ability descriptions so players have a clear understanding of the ability?
One minor description change that’s been suggested, to something that numerous people have pointed out costs them money because it’s unclear to new players. Multiple closed threads and angry customers. They could save all that drama. And profit solely off people that want it, with all of its intended functions. They are aware that it’s a problem, they are aware that it affects their customers. They have chosen not to react. They also know that they profit on people’s “mistakes “ .
I’m not saying they can’t, or they should be sued. Or people should riot. I actually don’t care, but as a moral vs profit issue. Why would they waste their time with something that make them less money? Moral vs profit! It’s a simple equation and I’m just not naive enough to think everything a business does is solely for my benefit when the evidence in contrary to the fact…
Believe what you want. And **** my questions and posts all you want. But it doesn’t help anyone, and that’s a shame
Because I like to make educated decisions with my money, and resources. But because of people like you there will never be any pressure to actually respond to me and others like me.
they’re currently working on it, just weren’t able to put it out for the latest update
I appreciate the thoughtful response