Personal SoP Highlights

I don't often make topics on things but I think that this SoP Emma deserves it.
Out of all of the fights so far I think that Rogue, Emma and to an extent, Symbiote Supreme, have encapsulated what I anticipated the Summer of Pain to be. Fights that are technically difficult but are possible with the majority of champions. The pain comes from personal frustration rather than a fight being BS and you being forced to spend revives.
Rogue's combination of invade and unstoppable meant that you had to master her spacing and watch the clock or you would pretty much be insta-killed if you reflexively parry a mistake. I ultimately did this fight with Spidergwen which took a good few attempts. I thought that this was an excellent way to ease us into this event.
Mister Sinister was a roster test and was an easy one shot with AA. I was finished with this week by 18:05 and didn't bother testing any other champions.
Mysterio cost me one revive, I couldn't master Apocalypse to take him down. Eventually I used AA which required a fair bit of poison/neuro management but it wasn't a terrible outcome; I hate Mysterio in most pieces of content so a single revive is something I'm quite proud of personally.
Darkhawk was the introduction of the special objectives and again was a fairly gentle introduction to roster restrictions through allowing those of us blessed with Magneto to easily complete two of them. For the robot objective I used Sentinel, cycling through SP3s. This is another fight that I enjoyed because it involved manipulating the AI into not throwing specials whilst not getting chipped too heavily.
Venom was a bit of a disappointment to be honest. It was a pretty easy fight on the whole, I did use 2 revives to complete the spider-verse challenge with my R4 Starky but I was just over fighting venom without using special attacks.
The Hydra-Adaptoid that came next was challenging. It was the first time that I contemplated ranking up any champions for this but lo and behold, I had no T5B so I had to make do with what I had. I used Mangog (finally found a use for my R3), and for the SHIELD objective I used NF, both one shots though the NF one took a fair few attempts and I'm fairly sure I have an ASBO coming from next door for when I failed on 3%.
I thought Symbiote Supreme was a well designed quest in a similar vein to Mysterio. There were clear roster limitations imposed but not too restricting and it was completable by a fair few champions. I used Red Guardian for my initial completion; Domino for the Merc objective though I feel like there was a fair element of RNG in that fight. For the Control objective I used Doctor Voodoo (the 5* I wanted to take to R5 for the Adaptoid quest) and just cycled sp2 on odd combos to reduce AA. I got the cosmic down using Hyperion and a 40% revive - didn't see the point in health potions as the initial death was an insta kill from the nullify mode change.
Emma Frost, this is my personal highlight, or lowlight, if you will. I've just got the female objective down with a solo from Proxima Midnight after many attempts. A badly timed sneeze has just made me fail with KM after 474 hits, though still with nearly 20% left to do. I might switch over to Aegon depending on my free time/patience, but I will get a one shot, one way or another. It looks like Torch is going to be my science kill. This is another fight that can theoretically be completed by any champion, providing the player is technically good enough.
I like Kabam's tactic of slyly introducing a massive parry bug to help ramp up the pain for those complaining it's too easy.
I do think that there needs to be less of a binary analysis of this event which seems to be a case of if you one shot it, it's too easy and therefor Kabam failed and those peasants who haven't managed to echo this achievement should cry in the corner. So far the event is getting a strong 7-8/10 from me and we'll see what week 9 brings.
Out of all of the fights so far I think that Rogue, Emma and to an extent, Symbiote Supreme, have encapsulated what I anticipated the Summer of Pain to be. Fights that are technically difficult but are possible with the majority of champions. The pain comes from personal frustration rather than a fight being BS and you being forced to spend revives.
Rogue's combination of invade and unstoppable meant that you had to master her spacing and watch the clock or you would pretty much be insta-killed if you reflexively parry a mistake. I ultimately did this fight with Spidergwen which took a good few attempts. I thought that this was an excellent way to ease us into this event.
Mister Sinister was a roster test and was an easy one shot with AA. I was finished with this week by 18:05 and didn't bother testing any other champions.
Mysterio cost me one revive, I couldn't master Apocalypse to take him down. Eventually I used AA which required a fair bit of poison/neuro management but it wasn't a terrible outcome; I hate Mysterio in most pieces of content so a single revive is something I'm quite proud of personally.
Darkhawk was the introduction of the special objectives and again was a fairly gentle introduction to roster restrictions through allowing those of us blessed with Magneto to easily complete two of them. For the robot objective I used Sentinel, cycling through SP3s. This is another fight that I enjoyed because it involved manipulating the AI into not throwing specials whilst not getting chipped too heavily.
Venom was a bit of a disappointment to be honest. It was a pretty easy fight on the whole, I did use 2 revives to complete the spider-verse challenge with my R4 Starky but I was just over fighting venom without using special attacks.
The Hydra-Adaptoid that came next was challenging. It was the first time that I contemplated ranking up any champions for this but lo and behold, I had no T5B so I had to make do with what I had. I used Mangog (finally found a use for my R3), and for the SHIELD objective I used NF, both one shots though the NF one took a fair few attempts and I'm fairly sure I have an ASBO coming from next door for when I failed on 3%.
I thought Symbiote Supreme was a well designed quest in a similar vein to Mysterio. There were clear roster limitations imposed but not too restricting and it was completable by a fair few champions. I used Red Guardian for my initial completion; Domino for the Merc objective though I feel like there was a fair element of RNG in that fight. For the Control objective I used Doctor Voodoo (the 5* I wanted to take to R5 for the Adaptoid quest) and just cycled sp2 on odd combos to reduce AA. I got the cosmic down using Hyperion and a 40% revive - didn't see the point in health potions as the initial death was an insta kill from the nullify mode change.
Emma Frost, this is my personal highlight, or lowlight, if you will. I've just got the female objective down with a solo from Proxima Midnight after many attempts. A badly timed sneeze has just made me fail with KM after 474 hits, though still with nearly 20% left to do. I might switch over to Aegon depending on my free time/patience, but I will get a one shot, one way or another. It looks like Torch is going to be my science kill. This is another fight that can theoretically be completed by any champion, providing the player is technically good enough.
I like Kabam's tactic of slyly introducing a massive parry bug to help ramp up the pain for those complaining it's too easy.
I do think that there needs to be less of a binary analysis of this event which seems to be a case of if you one shot it, it's too easy and therefor Kabam failed and those peasants who haven't managed to echo this achievement should cry in the corner. So far the event is getting a strong 7-8/10 from me and we'll see what week 9 brings.
I recently became cav so needed this and next fight for nexus. Guess I’ll miss it. Can’t do with torch solo and can’t do with imm abom or proxima yet either,keep getting hit by special or block damage. Sometimes she just intercepts me lol
I disagree on SymSup, that one was real RNG fiesta imo. Some tries I got many staggers in the "nullify kill" phase, other times I got luckily none. I don't see any skill in that. The fight wasn't inherently bad, but you still yould get shafted despite all your skill.
From my experience all fights(except symbiote supreme) were testing skills of the players. It's true that some of these skills were less tricky like backdraft intercepting the adaptoid or fighting aggressive AI of venom but they were still a part of skill set present in the game.
As for symbiote supreme I really can't think of any skil which it was testing but was just totally dependent on rng. I might also have soled him with him Hyperion but I was not running pacify mastery and did not wanted to waste units on changing mastery setup and neither did I had awakened Angela.
Throughout my experience I went from blocking the first hit of her specials every time and occasionally getting hit by them, to fully dexing 90% of them and virtually never getting hit.
Seriously well done to whoever designed this fight.