Feedback and "Other" Damage types on New Fight Summary Screen

Hey Summoners,
If you've downloaded v33.0 and have opted in to the new Beta Features, you should be seeing the new Fight Summary Screen at the end of fights. For more information on it, check out this post here:
As we mention in that post, "Many of our damage types were never built to be displayable and thus when it’s tracked as doing damage, they are often missing a name or icon or tooltip description that will be needed to properly display on this screen." When this happens, it appears as an "unknown" value.
While this is automatically tracked, we also wanted to start this thread to gather any instances you might have, as well as get any other feedback.
Thank you all in advance for your feedback and information!
If you've downloaded v33.0 and have opted in to the new Beta Features, you should be seeing the new Fight Summary Screen at the end of fights. For more information on it, check out this post here:
As we mention in that post, "Many of our damage types were never built to be displayable and thus when it’s tracked as doing damage, they are often missing a name or icon or tooltip description that will be needed to properly display on this screen." When this happens, it appears as an "unknown" value.
While this is automatically tracked, we also wanted to start this thread to gather any instances you might have, as well as get any other feedback.
Thank you all in advance for your feedback and information!
2. When you loose a fight in arena it returns you to the game home screen.
(iPhone 11 pro)
Arena - win two fights - lose the third first - press continue - get yeeted out to act5 active quest - Seems to be only happening if you lose the third fight in arena - disabling the beta features opt-in which is a shame as i wanted to help out, but not worth it for the extra clicking to get back to the arena.
another feedback i felt that this new Fight summary screen is adding more seconds to proceed to the next fight if one doesn't have a quick phone to mash press to the next fight. it seems to want to stay there and force you to wait for the fight summary screen UI to fully complete it's process when really in arena you mostly are there to grind and in arena you want to be able to save/shave off seconds and not add in more so this i feel want me to disable the beta feature opt-in option.
I love it though. really do.
Alliance Quest
Alliance War
Story Quest
Monthly Event Quest
Special Side Events / Quests (ROL, Labyrinth, Abyss, Boss Rushes, Side Quests, etc)
I personally think I would add it to all modes except Arena (just because of the slowdown of the grind) but let each Summoner have their choice. 🤘🏼
Kabam, do you ever consider that some of your players might have light sensitivities? Tone it down on the pointless special effects please.
I have a problem…. I am not alone , I know but this game now ist really F… Up !
I love this game , so many years I played and so many €€€ invested ….
I think this year and than finishing
So many bugs so so many , this is very very bad 😞😞😞
Unblockable Ghost SP2 vs Sinister MB AQ
Sinister Block the UNBLOCKABLE SP2 Ghost …. I am so angry 😡
3 times in one match !
But I would really like to see two things: (all numbers are examples)
Damage taken as a number value for both champs. (If I end a fight at 100% but not full yellow bar, I want it to say “-531 hp”. Etc. if I end at 1% from 100% it would say something like “-28,734 hp”)
And healing done: in two ways
A. Total Healing gained over the whole fight (7816)
B. +1107 hp total (start and finish total, total healing minus damage taken)
These two stats would be helpful for comparing counters and comparing how well you played on two different attempts at the same fight. Also, fights with healing on defenders it would accurately tell total damage done. Instead of just 100%.
In a case where we take no hits, Telling us that “damage taken was 100% basic attacks” from parries doesn’t actually tell us much. (Did I take 2k or 20k damage from parries?)
A very clean and easy way to display hp lost/gained would be a red or green indicator on the hp bar currently in the new end fight screen. And then just add a hard number for both.
Thanks for reading.
I thought it was the same damage source.
Similarly, Quake's sig "Ricochet Pulse" (name?) is not logged
Winning with Ikaris's Energy Burst (or Power Detonation) does not log anything at all if you don't hit the opponent - but how do you win whilst dealing 0 damage?
My Guilly 2099 is R5 sig 150