High ground 2 value error

@Kabam Miike out of curiosity I went to see if High Ground 2 was already implemented, in which I see it was, but with the wrong values. has been reduced to 50% if shocked, incinerated, or degenerated is correct, but secondary damage remained at 1000, which should be 750.

High ground - 3 = 1k damage. So explain what the disagrees are for?
So because people can’t catch everything being said about the massive amount of problems and changes you want to try and pick on me. Feel big about yourself 💦
I had posted that before they announced the change.
A simple “ Jaded it’s been updated if you missed it” works. Don’t like my sarcasm? Too bad, doesn’t mean I’m going to let you bully me. I don’t need a safe place, doesn’t mean I’m going to take your bs.
With all the yelling between Jaded and Coat, nobody seemed to answer OP's question. And the follow up pics seem to support what OP was asking. Kabam post saying “team has decided to lower difficulty … during off-season” and then detailing how HG-2 is only 750.
So why does OP Pic show HG-2 with 1000 ? That's the question.
If so, didn’t really read any of the feedback here to be saying that clear enough I guess.
Again, all you had to do was tell me it was updated a couple days ago. All of this was avoidable by sharing and communicating important information that was prudent considering my first post was accurate information just 4 days ago.
(not sure if this was also the reason for OP's original issue during those final wars before the season actually started or not, but as for current wars now…)
(edit.. actually putting a better reply from Boo here instead of Zibiit's…) Further follow-up can be over in this other/newer thread link (above).
Yeah still 1k lol