Can we please get a date for 7.4?

We are almost halfway into march and don't have an official week or a date. I would love to know a official date please so I know when I can start grinding revives or using expiring items. I know there are speculations for 16th or 23rd but an official date would be nice. Thanks!
7.3 and 7.1 released 1 week after the EQ, they’re both months without carina challenges, so could be that cadence.
7.4 released the same month as carina challenges, so could be released 2 weeks after EQ. Could be referring to that cadence.
Basically what I mean is, 7.1 and 7.3 -> no carina challenges the same month = 1 week after EQ.
7.2 and 7.4 -> carina challenges the same month= two weeks after EQ
So , We can expect to see official post from Kabam this coming week maybe around 16th of March & the new content will be live after a week , I believe.
October 14 for 7.3