Gwenpool nerf

If I read the notes correctly you nerfed her heavy from a 50% chance to a 5% chance to cause a bleed because it creates an exploit. I understand the reason to eliminate exploits but if I'm understanding things correctly that nerf basically ruins her heavy. Not only that it's freaking lazy as f%$%. Heaven forbid you change her animation or timing. Took something unique and broke it. You should have completely changed it into something else worth the risk of using a heavy. All that said it my understanding you are going from 50% to 5. It clearly states 50% in her description. So much for not silently nerfing a champ
Reducing this significantly is a clear nerf.
The only way your opponent is able to get out of that corner is to throw a Special attack. Now, where this exploitable loop came in, is if Gwenpool had placed an Enervate on the opponent, and continuously applied a bleed through the use of her heavy in the corner, then Enervate would reapply every time it expired, permanently locking the opponent's power, never allowing them to throw a special attack, or even stand up and get out of the corner.
This was the smallest possible change we could make to Gwenpool, and addresses one of the smallest use cases for her attacks. So it was either this, or rework her Enervate, which is arguably much much more important to most players and her core gameplay kit.
You should be issuing rank down tickets to all who have her.
Miike, why not change it so that it's a 5% chance *if Enervate is already active* ?
P.S. I don't have Gwen Pool as a 4* or 5* so I really don't care lol
If they will only be a rank down ticket that is only capable of ranking down Gwenpool....they have stated that any further rank down tickets would be character specific.....would you really rank her down?
Took you 20 seconds to come up with something better than kabam. Good job man