Bugged AW raiting

After lose this war our opponent got twice war raiting and we lose twice aswell ,have many tier 1 alliances this issue too,my alliance that lose 2 war raiting is русb and we faced x5e that got double aw raiting for win
Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on
Pycb - double -
MI-BR - double +
Nefti - double -
Matrix - double +
Mi_BR - double -
RE.A - double +
BND3R - double -
HCMA - double +
NEXT - double -
some of the alliances that happened this.
in which they could for example be in Tier1, and due to what happened, they were pushed to Tier2, so it generates less points for the season.
Started S34.3 vs Pycb @ 3157 showing a +27 if we won. We did win and that would have meant a 3184 rating but we did get +54 (27+27) and went to 3211.
I’ve seen some smaller variances with wins or losses in some past seasons but not +/- double what was projected. Not sure what is going on but definitely should be looked into…
We've open tickets and nothing happened. At least you give back to @Ceo_Wakeford ally the rightful rating but you did nothing to the other allies. This 4th war of the season has been decided by wrong ratings. You have to do something about that.
We won but now they will play at grade 2. Without the bug they should be stayed at grade 1. Good work guys
how are they going to make up for it? there is no way. soon you will be harmed, while some leave the benefit, which for example should be in tier2 and ended up in tier1.