Any chance quake will become a 6* with 7*s coming

I mean understand quake is broken but maybe it’s time to give her a 6* she’s becoming a bit slow in higher healthpool fights and 6* damage would definitely help
Right guys?
(I hate playing Quake)
And especially that we're going to have relics and ascension, that would make Quake more overpowered than it already is.
Think of champion strength like a kid with chocolate. Good in moderation, but if you have too much then it’s bad. Some of the playerbase thinks more chocolate is great and would stuff their face if they could, but that’s why someone needs to step in and say “no more chocolate, that’s too much”.
A sizeable portion of the playerbase would choose to have a champion like Hercules with an increased immortality duration and extra abilities - Herc 2.0 - because they think it benefits them. And it does, to an extent. It’s good for them using Herc 2.0, but it’s not good that everyone else has a massively overpowered champion because he’s basically all you need in the game. You can’t place defence because Herc 2.0 crushes it.
As content gets harder to make things a challenge for Herc 2.0, You basically need Herc 2.0 or you fall behind. This is what happened with 12.0. Champions being too strong is bad, and Quake is the sort of Herc 2.0 which is bad for the game.
It’s not good for the game’s health overall to have a champion so strong that they counter hundreds of things, it’s better and healthier and more fun in the long run to have 10 champions who counter 10 things.
That’s why quake is bad for the game, and that’s why the playerbase should not be allowed to choose to have her in the game. Most think that the short term sugar rush of chocolate is better than (to really stretch this metaphor to breaking point) heart disease.
"shoulda / woulda / coulda" . We have a game in which Kabam not only deliberatly created numerous OP champions (see Doom, Apocalypse and certainly others) but the strongest of them all (Hercules), had the audacity to outright sell to the community in the Summer deals! Not NRG or anything! Just outright sell this champ, by selector in a crystal! The particular champion is so damn OP that we have people coming in the forums and creating threads asking how and exactly why they died using him in War! Imagine that! And we're still discussing about a 6* Quake...? Oh, come on...
As I said before:
Anyone who doesn’t think Quake would ruin the game as a 6* 1) doesn’t understand how powerful she is or 2) doesn’t remember what it was like when 5* quake dominated the game before 6* rank 3s
Quakes damages is from "blocking", and the aftershock doesn't scale as much as a combo of 15 hits.
If someone wants to do something with quake, they will do it. If the 5* version already "broke the game" the 6* version wouldn't do much more. Fights would be 2-3 cycles shorter, that's it, literally.
Sure @BitterSteel . When the arguments run out, you can always hide behind blanket statements. Gotcha.
Heck, you could even "nerf" (fix) quake against debuff immun opponents, she would still not be as much used as Hercules.
It’s more that I’ve realised over the forum people don’t change their minds very often, and I could spend a lot of time writing and explaining why Quake countering 99% of the nodes in the game without having to touch the opponent is bad. But to be honest, it should be self evident.
I would spend all that time explaining something that is self evident, and you wouldn’t change your mind. So we could instead just cut out the exchange and agree to disagree.
You know why Quake isn’t being added to the game, I know why Quake isn’t being added to the game. But we can pretend it’s something other than how ridiculously powerful she is if you’d prefer.