Fight the Multiverse -- New Kabam Video to come :)

Looks like we have an anniversary video from Kabam called, Fight the Multiverse. My guess we will be getting some hints at future champions potentially in this. It debuts tomorrow at 9am.
But holy smokes. As an Old Schooler, there are still some older characters I hope to see pop into the game in 2023, and I will always hold out hope for the first of them all, Jim Hammond, the Golden Age Human Torch
Give him synergies with Cap WWII, Winter Soldier and Namor, drop that Invaders tag in here and let’s goooooooooo
Well, saying I'll cry is exaggerated, but I'll be VERY VERY excited...
He's like my most wished mutant champ, for real
Or brand new fight stages?
Or if it was just a teaser of what Black Panther's buff is going to be like or if the OG captain Marvel's getting a buff too?
It's definitely a great 2 minute ad for the game but I think compared to last year's Story Road map, this one left a lot to be desired.
0:20-0:28 ---> A wanted poster hangs behind Spidey and Miles, not sure who is on it. Prowler maybe?
Nothing else I noticed, maybe some of the words at the end have meaning?
Edit: I am aware that different departments do different things. Having said that, the time and effort that animating this video took could easily have been used on a road map video instead. I was simply trying to point out that there are plenty of other things they could have done in place of an advertisement for the game.
That multiverse is stupid!
Tachalla fighting literally himself in a different suit
Deadpools from different times fighting each other
Gully vs... NOT EVEN HERSELF! thats queen hassen... if they'd put Gully 2099 vs Morningstar/Purgatory then it'd make sense
I wanna see a real multiverse...
Like Hulk vs The Overseer
Doctor strange vs Symbiote supreme
Add some real variants to the game like The maker..
Oh ik-you could do Iron man vs Superior iron man
But do real variants fights instead of just different costumes
I wanna see interesting variants
Imagine Galan was just Galactus in idk... a Toxido, would u call that a Galactus variant? Even if it is, its boring
Then what about an actual prediction from me:
The map Gully and Gully 99 fought in looks like Queen hassen's throne room
So I think we will be getting Queen hassen (Human form) next year.