Kabam's new store - new way of buy deals

Kabam is now selling deals through it's own store, giving more goodies for the same price. Anyone try it yet?
There was a successful lawsuit that allows developers to do this, although they could always appeal.

There was a successful lawsuit that allows developers to do this, although they could always appeal.

Evidently goes then a company called Xsolla (so your info is shared with them, versus thru Apple/Google). Can see privacy policy and other opt-in / opt-out info about it there.
Long Version: It's very intuitive. You log in with your kabam account, choose your offer, open your bank account via their service and pay. Only thing to keep in mind is that my bank provider charged a conversion tax, nothing major, just 1,5% but something to keep in mind if the price seems higher than when pulled through a currency converter.
I’m also happy to give all the money to something I enjoy not Google.
Well, I’m sure Xsolla is taking their cut of things too (just not as much as what Google/Apple do).
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(1) I assume that is logging into your GAME account, and NOT your FORUM account.
And I can see potential mistakes made by those with multiple (Alt.) accounts, since you’re not doing it directly within the game like before (where you know WHICH account you are playing as and want to buy it for).
(2) And that “open your bank account via their service”. Via which service, the Xsolla, or your Bank's service ? Any option to pay by Credit Card instead ?
And keep in mind the privacy stuff, what information of yours that they can then subsequently use to market/advertise to you, or potentially sell to 3rd parties (email, etc). There was some options you could select, not sure what info was still *required* and not opt-outable and still be able to do a purchase up there.
For those that care about limiting stuff like that.
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Interesting if that would count as “going thru Kabam” for properly getting a refund.
Or if it would still be similar to going “outside Kabam” resulting in Negative Credits.
Also, from what I've overheard, xsolla has a 1-2% fee vs the 30% Google and apple take
But that's what I mean.
Google/Apple, or even your Credit Card company, refund policies may be clear and easy, but unrelated to working with having it be processed in conjunction with Kabam.
So does Xsolla's refund method work WITH Kabam, for Kabam to automatically roll back whatever resources you got in game from that purchase, as part of that refund process.
And are you allowed to place a link in the GAME store that would direct ppl to the WEBSITE one, or at least inform people on that game store that the Web one is available (and may give a higher amount of stuff), and then people could choose which they want to buy it thru ?
Or does the lawsuit settlement (and/or changes to their terms of service for developers) only allow you to offer your own separate processor, but maybe NOT allow you to actually advertise such an alternate place in your APP (the game) itself ? (such as, people would need to find out about it from “non-app” places like forums or websites, etc.)
That being said, this is a really nice move from kabam, especially since the in game store has more expensive deals. AN Odin in Europe has increased from 99 euros to 115 for example for android users.
But, the question is, if we get to avoid double dipping in July 4th, are we going to buy the deals from the expensive in game store, or the new, old prices-more units-great idea kabam store?
They are currently not available.