Announcing Act 5 Chapter 4: Cornerstone



  • JumpthesharkJumptheshark Member Posts: 242 ★★
    SW worked well against Ultron. [/quote

    For real?

    Yes that’s who I used. I didn’t have any 4/55 champs but she did great.
  • EpistriatusEpistriatus Member Posts: 1,249 ★★★★
    edited December 2017
    SW worked well against Ultron. [/quote

    For real?

    Yes that’s who I used. I didn’t have any 4/55 champs but she did great.

    Wow, cool! I would think that with her placing continous (de)buffs, Ultron would be powergaining/regening insane. Thanks for the tip :)
  • JumpthesharkJumptheshark Member Posts: 242 ★★
    SW worked well against Ultron. [/quote

    For real?

    Yes that’s who I used. I didn’t have any 4/55 champs but she did great.

    Wow, cool! I would think that with her placing continous (de)buffs, Ultron would be powergaining/regening insane. Thanks for the tip :)

    You would think. But i kept nullifying buffs one after the other, gaining power like crazy from mystic dispersion for my rapid fire specials, giving him power lock, steal and stun. It was great.
  • NomarigerolNomarigerol Member Posts: 159
    edited December 2017
    How about Modok in 5.4.4 ? How hard was he ? Who did you guys use ? and for Mephisto in the next one, not too painfull ?
  • TrapTrap Member Posts: 124
  • AmonthirAmonthir Member Posts: 754 ★★★
    MODOK was a huge Pain in the Arse. IceMan, AA, and DV could not remove his Auto-block charges with heavies, and he was constantly 'evading' attacks, attacking in the middle of taps on his NORMAL block, attacking on auto-block, etc. Absolutely hated fighting him, and even with a couple stacks of Neuro, he still auto-blocked and Specialed AA to death.
  • NightCrackerNightCracker Member Posts: 157
    Dofero wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike can you explain to me how brutalDLX has a rank5 5* when the tier 5 basic catalyst are not end game content unless you 100% act 5 which gives you 2 of the 4 required to rank 5 a 5* ?

    The cost was lowered so only 2 are required. 100% gives you enough rewards to R5 a 5*... Except for t1a
  • DoferoDofero Member Posts: 6
    Thanks nightcracker wasn't trying to start anything was just wondering
  • RotmgmoddyRotmgmoddy Member Posts: 916 ★★★
    Trap wrote: »

    Welp, I'm speechless for you and for anyone who has already explored Chapter 4. Congrats!
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    I despise the locked camera.
  • taojay1taojay1 Member Posts: 1,062 ★★★
    Just finished my completion run. I genuinely enjoyed 95% of the final chapter. They finally got the balance between swearing at my screen and having fun right! I didn’t use a revive until modok but I was hard pressed, had to be on my a game. Anyway, the 5% I didn’t enjoy was final boss ultron. His regen is crazy mad. His node means he heals 2k per tic after 15 sec into the fight. That meant I had to hit him for 15 seconds then let myself die, otherwise it just heals all the damage done.

    I would recommend bringing guillotene, which I would have done if my best guillotene wasn’t 3* rank 2 :D

    A good close to the act, just ultron heals a bit too much. Well done kabam, credit where credit is due.

    Who did you use? I personally enjoyed the Ultron fight. His vitality regen was annoying but wasn't based on modified health, I was able to outdamage it with my 5* r3 drax
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    taojay1 wrote: »
    Just finished my completion run. I genuinely enjoyed 95% of the final chapter. They finally got the balance between swearing at my screen and having fun right! I didn’t use a revive until modok but I was hard pressed, had to be on my a game. Anyway, the 5% I didn’t enjoy was final boss ultron. His regen is crazy mad. His node means he heals 2k per tic after 15 sec into the fight. That meant I had to hit him for 15 seconds then let myself die, otherwise it just heals all the damage done.

    I would recommend bringing guillotene, which I would have done if my best guillotene wasn’t 3* rank 2 :D

    A good close to the act, just ultron heals a bit too much. Well done kabam, credit where credit is due.

    Who did you use? I personally enjoyed the Ultron fight. His vitality regen was annoying but wasn't based on modified health, I was able to outdamage it with my 5* r3 drax

    r4 star Lord. I would have been able to do it with star Lord if I had any health potions but being the eager fool I am I wanted to rush into it after just having used all my potions in uncollected hotel modok! So I could only do it with 25% health which wasn’t enough to hold a combo with star Lord.
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    Just finished. Really sucks that I have to wait for AQ to refresh to buy t1a before I can R5 blade. Not sure why everything else was included in the 5.4 rewards.
  • Whetboy83Whetboy83 Member Posts: 3
    How Can I talk to an admin?
  • TrapTrap Member Posts: 124
    I solo ultron 5 our of the 8 runs with blade and the other 3 runs I revive blade a couple of time. 1st run was not the best
  • Branden420Branden420 Member Posts: 1
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Wolf @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Loto @Ad0ra_ hey so act 5 is cool and all but how about you guys actually fix the game instead of continuously pumping out broken content..... I’m sure 90% or more of the player base would rather see parry, dexterity, blocking, all the evade bugs and now auto block bugs with M.O.D.O.K., champion glitches where your tapping the screen and you just stand there and die. Intercepts working correctly I mean the list goes on and on and on and on.. it’s all over your forums, all over reddit and YouTube that THIS IS HAPPENING TO EVERYONE! on all service platforms and phones. I got an iPhone 6s+ everything is updated and this happens every single day. Every single time I log in. And all I get from your support team is “what device are you playing” “sorry this doesn’t satafiy your need but thanks anyways” and then they close the post! No help what so ever. You MASSIVLEY dropped the ball on act 5 and all you did was release it 2 days later litttered with problems cause you refuse to acknowledge THE GAME ISNT RUNNING PROPERLY DUE TO YOU!!! Not our phones, not my WiFi, BUT YOUR SERVERS!!! Or programming whatever it is. It’s obviously broken everyone is talking about it and you do nothing! This game has been going down hill since 12.0 and all you do is a maintence EVERY TUESDAY yet fix absolutely nothing? And pump out broken characters. Or Mephisto who is the cheapest most whack character since no one is immune to incerate.. except iceman but oh yeah you specially designed him to go against iceman. Right. Instead of fixing actual game play problems. I’m tired of new quest, of new champions, the same boring arena. How about you take a month and don’t release anything new but actually FIX THE GAME! And get everything running smoothly and the way the text says it’s supposed to work!!! Or come out and say this is running the way it’s inended so we all know your purposely cheating and can atleast prepare for it. That’d be a great Christmas present to your 1 million + player base... thanks and have a merry Christmas.
  • KinemglaviKinemglavi Member Posts: 7
    edited December 2017
    Im truly sorry but not all of us are millinaires. Whats the matter with that modok (removed by moderator) you are throwing at us ?
    Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
  • WARICK99WARICK99 Member Posts: 44
    Kudos to you Kabam. I finished 5.4 this weekend and I thought it was a very well thought out end to the chapter. Progressed well, required a bit of thought here and there, and was hard enough to be challenging without that feeling of being impossible without spending like mad. Very well done.
  • KinemglaviKinemglavi Member Posts: 7
    edited December 2017
    insterad of making a (removed by moderator) bosses, why dont you fix your terrible fps on andoird devices (which is probably limted on purpose) cause someone needs to buy the (removed by moderator) iphone
    Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
  • Superman69Superman69 Member Posts: 534 ★★★
    edited December 2017
    Kinemglavi wrote: »
    WARICK99 wrote: »
    Kudos to you Kabam. I finished 5.4 this weekend and I thought it was a very well thought out end to the chapter. Progressed well, required a bit of thought here and there, and was hard enough to be challenging without that feeling of being impossible without spending like mad. Very well done.

    (removed by moderator)

    It's Act 5. You want to breeze through with 3/4*s ? Or without skilled gameplay? Then sorry. Improve your team and skills and then work on it. It's a permanent quest.
    StillMo wrote: »
    All very good but you still can’t find a group of humans with enough chromosomes to build a game that won’t lag. For the last 2 months there’s nothing but pauses and glitches mid fight normally at a point where you, as a result of glitches and lag, lose a fight and have to spend units.

    (removed by moderator)

    Haven't gotten lag in quite a while. iPhone 7.
    Maybe it IS your device this time.
    Branden420 wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Wolf @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Loto @Ad0ra_ hey so act 5 is cool and all but how about you guys actually fix the game instead of continuously pumping out broken content..... I’m sure 90% or more of the player base would rather see parry, dexterity, blocking, all the evade bugs and now auto block bugs with M.O.D.O.K., champion glitches where your tapping the screen and you just stand there and die. Intercepts working correctly I mean the list goes on and on and on and on.. it’s all over your forums, all over reddit and YouTube that THIS IS HAPPENING TO EVERYONE! on all service platforms and phones. I got an iPhone 6s+ everything is updated and this happens every single day. Every single time I log in. And all I get from your support team is “what device are you playing” “sorry this doesn’t satafiy your need but thanks anyways” and then they close the post! No help what so ever. You MASSIVLEY dropped the ball on act 5 and all you did was release it 2 days later litttered with problems cause you refuse to acknowledge THE GAME ISNT RUNNING PROPERLY DUE TO YOU!!! Not our phones, not my WiFi, BUT YOUR SERVERS!!! Or programming whatever it is. It’s obviously broken everyone is talking about it and you do nothing! This game has been going down hill since 12.0 and all you do is a maintence EVERY TUESDAY yet fix absolutely nothing? And pump out broken characters. Or Mephisto who is the cheapest most whack character since no one is immune to incerate.. except iceman but oh yeah you specially designed him to go against iceman. Right. Instead of fixing actual game play problems. I’m tired of new quest, of new champions, the same boring arena. How about you take a month and don’t release anything new but actually FIX THE GAME! And get everything running smoothly and the way the text says it’s supposed to work!!! Or come out and say this is running the way it’s inended so we all know your purposely cheating and can atleast prepare for it. That’d be a great Christmas present to your 1 million + player base... thanks and have a merry Christmas.

    Ever heard of paragraphs? Or proper spacing? Sorry but no one's reading that bro.
    Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
  • EpistriatusEpistriatus Member Posts: 1,249 ★★★★
    edited December 2017
    Branden420 wrote: »
    @Superman69 when you don’t have an actual rebuttal so you Become a grammar **** 😂 it’s directed toward the game team since I tagged them in it and not you. (removed by moderator) 😂😂😂👎🏻

    Since when is someone a grammar **** when they are making some valid points? Your post is a pain in the *** to read, due to it not having any paragraphs, spaces or whatever. I did notice the word “MODOK.” If you are referring to the champ, he is extremely annoying and very champ specific designed (archangel I believe) and also bug-infested. Toughest boss in 5.4 so far for me, haven’t tried OG Ultron yet, was thinking of using my 5* Rhino against him. You know since he doesn’t place debuffs & I duped him last night (oh yeah xD) might as well use him ;).

    Tbh, 5.4 is a challenging chapter so far, the new nodes are really interesting to fight against. A little bit of thinking & some skill can get a noob like me pretty far in this chapter :)
    Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
  • Blubfish_666Blubfish_666 Member Posts: 237
    edited December 2017
    Am I the only one that thinks getting 6 stars will be relatively easy? I mean most players have 2500 shards already and 6 stars aren't collectable yet...
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    I have 5800 6*shards. So surprised how fast I’m getting them
  • RotmgmoddyRotmgmoddy Member Posts: 916 ★★★
    edited December 2017
    Assuming 6* crystals can be gotten using 10000 6* shards, then the earliest 6* champ anyone could get is if they explore Act 5, this month's uncollected event quest and next month's uncollected event quest (5000+2500+2500). For very high-tiered players, this should be pretty easy to pull of. :P
  • 57R34K57R34K Member Posts: 16
    Great job Kabam. Best chunk of content to date.

    Also, that AON antman is harder than the final boss lol
  • OmniOmni Member Posts: 574 ★★★
    edited December 2017
    Is there anyway we can unlock the locked map view? I’m closing in on 100 percent on a couple of the maps and it’s difficult to remember exactly which paths I’ve taken for which.
  • SmichaelSmichael Member Posts: 1
    Ok guy and girl let put our thinking caps on and work as a team
  • Hulk_77Hulk_77 Member Posts: 782 ★★★
    Rotmgmoddy wrote: »
    Assuming 6* crystals can be gotten using 10000 6* shards, then the earliest 6* champ anyone could get is if they explore Act 5, this month's uncollected event quest and next month's uncollected event quest (5000+2500+2500). For very high-tiered players, this should be pretty easy to pull of. :P

    I already have over 10K 6* shards. You get them from duping 5*s also.
  • Alpha07Alpha07 Member Posts: 649 ★★
    I have 5800 6*shards. So surprised how fast I’m getting them

    i have 6k.

    In February we hopefully get our first 6*!. as the Uncollected Monthly Quests gives 2.5k 6* shards.
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