Announcing Act 5 Chapter 4: Cornerstone

Kabam DKKabam DK Moderator Posts: 221
edited December 2017 in General Discussion


The Grandmaster’s grip on the Champions of The Contest has slipped, his focus spread thin across an increasingly chaotic realm. With a window of opportunity presented to them, those resisting The Grandmaster’s rule double down in their efforts to find the missing pieces of the Cornerstone that holds The Battlerealm together, but their increased activity forces him to focus his cruel attention upon them, and strike back with his most powerful Champions to date… Can you and The Resistance muster your remaining strength and allies to repair the Cornerstone and discover the cause of all this chaos? Will The Grandmaster and his Lieutenants counter your strength and stand in your way?


While the final Chapter of Act 5 might have some new additions, The Grandmaster isn’t above dusting off some of his trickiest tools to test your toughness. A locked camera view will keep you on your toes, while Portals whose names contain hints at the path they lead to will make things even more interesting! New Buffs and Opponents will no doubt keep things unpredictable as well, so be sure to pay attention in each map so you’ll know what team to bring!


The long awaited race to become an Act 5 Legend is here! For those who choose to compete for an Act 5 Legends Title, we will be using the same method as our Event Quests: The fastest 100 recorded times to 100% explore all Chapters in Act 5 between December 13th 2017 at 10:00:00 AM PST until January 31st 2018 at 11:59:59 PM PST will earn themselves a Legends title, plus the awesome rewards below. We count your start time from the moment you enter Quest 1 of Chapter 4, and end it when you 100% explore all of Act 5, which means if you’re going for a Legends title, you’ll want to have 100% explored Chapters 1-3 of Act 5 before you begin Chapter 4.

Top 100:
2x Tier 2 Alpha Catalysts
1x 4-Star Thanos

Top 5 (in addition to the above):
1x Tier 5 Basic Catalyst
1x 5-Star Kang Thanos - EDITED DECEMBER 4th @ 9:17 AM PST

Legends Points
#1: 100 Points
2-5: 75 Points
6-50: 50 Points
51-100: 25 Points

You probably have a lot more questions at this point so here’s some answers:


Okay, how do Legends runs work with this?

The actual time recorded is however long it takes you from starting Chapter 4 to 100% exploring all Chapters, so if you start Chapter 4 thinking you’ll record the fastest time, but you still have under 100% exploration on any other quest in Act 5 outside of Chapter 4, your time will not be locked in until you 100% explore the rest of those quests. Here’s an example:

Player 1 has only completed Chapters 1-3.
Chapter 4 comes out, and they 100% Explore Chapter 4 in 3 hours.

Player 2 has 100% explored Chapters 1-3
Chapter 4 comes out, and they 100% explore Chapter 4 in 4.5 hours.

Player 1 has not yet logged a Legends time because they have not 100% explored Act 5.
Player 2’s Legends time is 4.5 hours because they fully explored the Act 4.5 hours after they began Chapter 4.

The period to record your legends time will be from December 13th 2017 at 10:00:00 AM PST until January 31st 2018 at 11:59:59 PM PST. It is important to note that you CAN continue to 100% explore and play Chapters 1-3 of Act 5 during this Legends qualifying period without risking “starting” your Legends clock, as long as you do not enter Chapter 4. It’s perfectly fine to prepare for a Legends run during the Legends qualifying period, just be careful not to start Chapter 4 or the clock will start ticking.

You’re locking the camera? Like Labyrinth?

Yes. Locking the camera along with the use of portals is meant to escalate the stakes of choosing certain paths and emphasizing “solving” the map as a riddle. Don’t worry, you won’t be COMPLETELY in the dark about what to expect on certain paths, but Chapter 4 is meant to be hard in more ways than just one, and adding some elements of gameplay/problem solving to the map is part of that.

What do you mean we won’t be COMPLETELY in the dark?

Portals are now labelled with short hints about the type of encounters you’ll find on the other side. For example, you may see a Portal with text next to it saying “POWER” which means the fights on that path will all focus around your opponent’s power meter. Perhaps another might say VITALITY OR RESILIENCE, which means there are 2 options at the end of that path, one which focuses on health (whether that be regeneration or simply high health pools), another on damage resistance, such as energy or physical resistance, or even high armor. As a general rule, here’s how Portal Labels are written:

A & B - The & joiner means BOTH effect A and effect B will be on the path this Portal leads to
A OR B - the OR joiner means you will be able to choose a path containing EITHER A or B, but not both, after exiting this Portal.

Some Paths feature Act 5 Buffs you’ve squared off against before, and those Portals will be labelled with the name of those specific Buffs so you know what you’re getting into.

Does this mean each path has their own unique Buffs?

Not necessarily. Most paths will have their own unique identity as far as Buffs are concerned, but some fights may not have any unique local Buffs. There are harder paths with their unique Buff identity with additional Buffs that highlight each Champion i.e. a path called Bane where every fight has the Bane Buff, but Colossus on that path has Enhanced Armor Up, Ultron has Stun Immunity, etc.

What about the bosses? Who are they? Do they have their own Buffs?

Each Boss has at least 1 unique Buff specifically designed to enhance their existing abilities. These Buffs have been created for these Champions especially in Act 5, so you won’t have encountered them before. Because we want each to be a cool and exciting surprise, we’re choosing NOT to reveal who the bosses will be and what their Buffs are. We know you want to know, but we do want to have some surprises in store when Chapter 4 releases. One thing we WILL say is this: All 6 Bosses in Act 5 Chapter 4 will be 6-Star Champions, however, as we are still in the process of finalizing the tuning of Adrenaline, these bosses will NOT have the Adrenaline mechanic activated.
Post edited by Kabam DK on


  • IlluminantIlluminant Member Posts: 196
    So I’m guessing a 6 star crystal costs 10000 shards so getting half of one for exploration seems decent to me, it just depends how else you can get those shards
  • MJAMMJAM Member Posts: 13
    Looks fun. Nice rewards for 100% and along the way. We all need more teir 1 Alpha as well.
  • HulksmasshhHulksmasshh Member Posts: 742 ★★★
    Bravo, well done. Those are rewards worth going crazy after and should be worth the challenge. The legend rewards are a long needed improvement and I hope future legend runs will have an uptick in rewards as well (but not as good as these). If anyone is complaining about these rewards then nothing in this game will ever satisfy them.
  • Whododo872Whododo872 Member Posts: 1,042 ★★★
    Kabam DK wrote: »
    Whododo872 wrote: »
    Oh boy! This should be fun and interactive! And since this is usually a question, how many dorms, icemen, and magiks will there be?

    3 Magiks Sig 50
    5 Dormammus, sig 5
    4 Icemen, sig 10

    We lowered these signature abilities as much as possible to mitigate the damage applied through the Champion Boosts.

    Awesome. Low sig abilities. Still sucks to take unavoidable damage, but there’s something
  • DarkestDestroyerDarkestDestroyer Member Posts: 2,884 ★★★★★
    Those rewards, wow.

    No one better be complaining
  • TillerTheKillerTillerTheKiller Member Posts: 280 ★★
    Kabam DK wrote: »
    Whododo872 wrote: »
    Oh boy! This should be fun and interactive! And since this is usually a question, how many dorms, icemen, and magiks will there be?

    3 Magiks Sig 50
    5 Dormammus, sig 5
    4 Icemen, sig 10

    We lowered these signature abilities as much as possible to mitigate the damage applied through the Champion Boosts.

    Without playing it yet I offer a thank you...
  • RajhpRajhp Member Posts: 27
    T5 basic added so is there gonna be t4 basic more available and sell t4 basic for t5fregments?
  • mum_m2mum_m2 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★
    Whododo872 wrote: »
    Oh boy! This should be fun and interactive! And since this is usually a question, how many dorms, icemen, and magiks will there be?

    I expect there to be a few Mephisto's along the way as well.
  • GrimmbearGrimmbear Member Posts: 639 ★★★
    edited November 2017
    Omg thank you I've been so bored
  • IanMooneIanMoone Member Posts: 640 ★★
    Kabam DK wrote: »
    Whododo872 wrote: »
    Oh boy! This should be fun and interactive! And since this is usually a question, how many dorms, icemen, and magiks will there be?

    3 Magiks Sig 50
    5 Dormammus, sig 5
    4 Icemen, sig 10

    We lowered these signature abilities as much as possible to mitigate the damage applied through the Champion Boosts.

    You sure bout that? Bc you clearly miscalculated the block damage in 5.3 and refuse to adjust instead you allowing it to remain!
  • IceBobbyIceBobby Member Posts: 109
    Thank you KABAM. Thank you. Looks challenging for someone at my level but I'm gonna give it everything for those sweet rewards. Good job
  • HellcatHellcat Member Posts: 34
    What about ranking 5*’s to r5?
  • Whododo872Whododo872 Member Posts: 1,042 ★★★
    mum_m2 wrote: »
    Whododo872 wrote: »
    Oh boy! This should be fun and interactive! And since this is usually a question, how many dorms, icemen, and magiks will there be?

    I expect there to be a few Mephisto's along the way as well.

    I hadn’t thought of that. Maybe we could know how much meph we’ll see along the way as well?
  • Primmer79Primmer79 Member Posts: 2,968 ★★★★
    Hellcat wrote: »
    What about ranking 5*’s to r5?

    did you not read the rewards?
  • IanMooneIanMoone Member Posts: 640 ★★
    edited November 2017
    Thank god ppl will have to choose 1 5* bring to r5 instead of multiple. But i feel like this wont last long as i expect many r5 5* once again upsetting the balance of the game.
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