Quake and Magik 6*

So this question came up on the stream and they actually answered it for the first time in I don't know how long.
Their answer was basically this: not happening unless they get tuned down but if they both get tuned down, they will still be at Ghost level at the very least. They said they decided not to do this but wanted to know what the players thought. So, should Quake and Magik be tuned down so they can finally be 6*? Keep in mind they will be very powerful still, Ghost level.
Their answer was basically this: not happening unless they get tuned down but if they both get tuned down, they will still be at Ghost level at the very least. They said they decided not to do this but wanted to know what the players thought. So, should Quake and Magik be tuned down so they can finally be 6*? Keep in mind they will be very powerful still, Ghost level.
This has to be a coordinated attack where people plan to make the exact same thread over and over again
They would definitely keep that quaking aspect to some extent though cause they said tune down, not rework, and they said she would easily be at Ghost level but yeah I guess for some there's just a lot of nostalgia tied to her current kit so they wouldn't really want a tune down.
Hard pass. I can wait longer for Quake.
That said... Quake? Nah bro. The fact that she's a 5* is the only reason - the only reason - why people aren't doing things like Necropolis solos using just her.
Quake would also only happen with a nerf, nobody would be soloing anything in Necropolis with her as a 6* cause she would effectively get tuned down to Ghost level, that was the whole point of the poll lol none of them would be released in their current state cause they're too strong.
I'm not very keen ranking 6*s these days but man that magik would clap cheeks.
I like looking at my rank 5 Quake and thinking dang she carried me early game. I would rather a deathless Quake or Quake 2099 w/ an adjusted skill set than a tune down.
Yes she was one of the best power controller back then, but keep in mind champs like Doom didn’t exist back then.
Her power lock is a debuff and against a lot of modern champs and modern content (nodes) it won’t work.
As for the claim she would be a broken defender, this is completely false.
She has more counters than people can imagine, I can list at least ten champs that perform great against her and I’m sure that number can go easily to twenty.
Of course if you go against her without a counter you will get wrecked, but the same you could claim for many other defenders that guarantee damage without a counter (Domino, Electro etc.), yet we have them as 6*s or even as 7*s.
Quake 6* no, at least until we have 7*r4s in the game.
But Magik has become the new SW meme, where people were saying “She is too powerful to be released even as a 5*”.
Yet we got her not only as 5* but as 6* as well and guess what? She is not even considered a top Mystic champ, let alone being a game breaker.
I never claimed anything about defense what are you talking about? Lol
SW is not on Magik's level, I think you're severely underestimating the power lock and power steal she has in sp2.
Magik, there are so many scenarios now she flat out won't work, lots of drain immune champions, plenty of debuff shruggers, debuff immune node, power drain immune node, any special lock one nodes and more. A 6* wouldn't break the game.
She'll struggle against a lot of Skill champions - Agent Venom, Kingpin, Elsa Bloodstone, Mole Man, Attuma, Zemo, Black Cat, Blade, Chee'ilth, Crossbones, Jabari, Karnak, Night Thrasher, Valkyrie...
Outside of Skill there are others who deal with debuffs like Rogue and even a few Cosmic champions like Aarkus, and King Groot.
Champs like Sauron, Photon, Annihilus and Hulkling are immune to Power Steal, which makes the Power Lock much less effective. Galan is immune to the Power Lock itself, so he'd probably get some Specials off, too
And good luck keeping that SP2 lock going against Overseer, Miles Morales, Starky, Sentinel and Human Torch; who all have unique ways of dealing with Special Attacks/Mystic opponents
I mean I'm not an expert, but even ignoring the Cosmics, that's 24 champs that are going to be somewhat challenging; even before throwing in nodes like Debuff immunity, Mighty Charge or Powerful.
Bring her on as a 6*!
All they'd really need to do to balance the SP2 is drop the rate to 75-80%, and make it only activate on the first hit: the problem right now is that it has a 90% chance to activate on both hits; which means (roughly) a 99% chance it'll activate. That'll at least leave some margin for an opponent to gain some power.
Then tweak the Limbo damage to either scale with base Attack, or reduce it on defense.
- Concussion changed to physical vulnerability
- Cannot evade if her personal physical vulnerability is not active on the opponent\
The goal was to take her from where she is now (absolutely broken) down to God Tier.
But like I said, we chose instead to go with no change and to leave them as 5-Stars.