New ISO Stash-claiming Filter BUG when Upgrading Champs (Feb)

(starting with February game update)

ISO Class Filter is NOT re-highlighting the currently filtered Class icon for Stash ISO during Champ Upgrading process.

Leveling up a champ, go to Stash to FILTER by Class, and Claim more class-specific ISO.
Use it on champ, go back into Stash to claim more…

The “currently active” Class Filter you had selected just beforehand (and used, and now coming for more of SAME class) is still active (you correctly see just the previously selected Class of iSO in the ISO list).

But even though only that Class of ISO is showing in Stash, the ICON for that Class is *NOT* still highlighted.
So it looks as if you DON'T have any Filter active, even though you do.

If you tap that Class Icon again, it stays “not selected / grayed” and then shows all the other Class ISO in the list.
Tap the Class again, and then it DOES become highlighted (and only shows ISO for that Class).

Repeat the process, and it continually loses the Highlight for the Class Icon, every time you continually use the ISO and come back for more of same class.


  • Wong_98Wong_98 Member Posts: 1,015 ★★★★
    I noticed this as well, it’s very annoying
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,692 Guardian
    Similar usage of CLASS FILTER for selecting champs during ARENA, is also bugged.

    Same issue, an existing Class Filter when selecting champs in prior match, when go to next match champ selection the Filter is still being applied (shows only champs of that Class), but the FILTER CLASS ICON when you go check “Filter” is NOT still highlighted as active.

    (Although not as big of an issue as when doing Champion Leveling up with ISO.)
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