The weirdest way to buy gold (for Valiants)

Preface: the numbers in this article are for Valiants, although they might be identical to Paragons. Different progression tiers have different pricing in the glory store, which makes this only relevant for a particular progression tier or set of tiers.
The glory store contains gold crystals, specifically Uncollected gold crystals that you can buy in bundles of five for glory. For Valiants, the initial cost is 120 glory and this steps up with each purchase by 30 glory. In other words, the first bundle is 120 glory, the second is 150, the third is 180, and so on. 10 bundles (the maximum) would cost 2550 glory.
The last time I checked, I estimated the average gold in an Uncollected gold crystal as being around 23750 or so. So buying the first bundle of gold crystals would net you about 118,750 gold for 120 glory, which is about 990 gold per glory. Not bad, but not great either.
Curiously, there's another way to get gold from the glory store: buy T4B. Valiants can buy T4B in pairs starting at 40 glory, stepping up by ten glory with each additional purpose. You can sell T4B for 20,000 gold (plus T5B fragments), so buying two T4B and then selling them for gold would get you 40k gold for 40 glory, or 1000 gold per glory. That's actually slightly better.
But the *best* source for gold is actually to buy T5B! T5B costs 40 glory for the first (with escalating prices) and you can sell T5B for 50k gold. That means buying one T5B and then selling it for gold will net you 1250 gold per glory. Here's a table with the costs for each item in glory, the (average) amount of gold you could get by selling/opening, and the gold per glory return on investment:

Are there any other lurking opportunities in there? Probably not, although I haven't explicitly checked them all, none of the other options seemed likely at a glace to do anywhere near these number. ISO in particular is a poor way to get gold. Do not buy ISO just to sell it: that generates a horrible rate of return.
The T5B rate of return if you sell for gold for the first one, if the costs didn't escalate, would allow a player to buy a million gold for 800 glory. As it is, with the escalating prices, maxing out T5B every week would get you a million gold every two weeks at a cost of 1700 glory.
Kinda weird, but if you're Valiant (and probably Paragon, although I no longer have access to those prices) and short of gold, and have T5B coming out of your ears, actually buying T5B and selling it might be one of the more efficient ways to get gold that doesn't involve grinding arena or incursions. It is not a huge amount of gold, two million a month max, but that''s enough for one or two more level ups.
If you were crazy enough to buy *all* the gold crystals and *all* the T4B and *all* the T5B available per week, that would cost 4250 glory and would net you 2,087,500 gold on average, about 8 million gold per month.
The glory store contains gold crystals, specifically Uncollected gold crystals that you can buy in bundles of five for glory. For Valiants, the initial cost is 120 glory and this steps up with each purchase by 30 glory. In other words, the first bundle is 120 glory, the second is 150, the third is 180, and so on. 10 bundles (the maximum) would cost 2550 glory.
The last time I checked, I estimated the average gold in an Uncollected gold crystal as being around 23750 or so. So buying the first bundle of gold crystals would net you about 118,750 gold for 120 glory, which is about 990 gold per glory. Not bad, but not great either.
Curiously, there's another way to get gold from the glory store: buy T4B. Valiants can buy T4B in pairs starting at 40 glory, stepping up by ten glory with each additional purpose. You can sell T4B for 20,000 gold (plus T5B fragments), so buying two T4B and then selling them for gold would get you 40k gold for 40 glory, or 1000 gold per glory. That's actually slightly better.
But the *best* source for gold is actually to buy T5B! T5B costs 40 glory for the first (with escalating prices) and you can sell T5B for 50k gold. That means buying one T5B and then selling it for gold will net you 1250 gold per glory. Here's a table with the costs for each item in glory, the (average) amount of gold you could get by selling/opening, and the gold per glory return on investment:

Are there any other lurking opportunities in there? Probably not, although I haven't explicitly checked them all, none of the other options seemed likely at a glace to do anywhere near these number. ISO in particular is a poor way to get gold. Do not buy ISO just to sell it: that generates a horrible rate of return.
The T5B rate of return if you sell for gold for the first one, if the costs didn't escalate, would allow a player to buy a million gold for 800 glory. As it is, with the escalating prices, maxing out T5B every week would get you a million gold every two weeks at a cost of 1700 glory.
Kinda weird, but if you're Valiant (and probably Paragon, although I no longer have access to those prices) and short of gold, and have T5B coming out of your ears, actually buying T5B and selling it might be one of the more efficient ways to get gold that doesn't involve grinding arena or incursions. It is not a huge amount of gold, two million a month max, but that''s enough for one or two more level ups.
If you were crazy enough to buy *all* the gold crystals and *all* the T4B and *all* the T5B available per week, that would cost 4250 glory and would net you 2,087,500 gold on average, about 8 million gold per month.
The increasing cost is ABSOLUTELY UNNECESSARY,
Update the costs or add new items or if that too much
TL;DR: I was bored.
So don't buy T2A, only T5B because it's cheap af, good find.
Tho idk if this feature is there in iPhone but it's life saver as multi-task and can actually NOT be bored when I get little free time for myself.
Remember how there was a video with gifting banquet crystals from alts and how it was an "exploitation" of the system? Well I don't see much difference from the new video.
DNA's method is a more respectable way to gain gold.
From next week I'm going to spend 4k glory on gold, Thanks for the insight.