Master mode this month vs last month

Can anyone direct me towards the thread that talked about possible reasons last month master was super easy? I didn’t read that thread because I hadn’t played master yet 
Now I see what they were probably talking about

Now I see what they were probably talking about
Expect all Master EQ difficulty being the same as last month!!
A few changes have come to some other difficulties as well, Beginner difficulty has been made easier for new players as well as paths have been reduced on some maps to accelerate the rate at which they master quests.
Master difficulty has had its difficulty slightly reduced as well, PI ranges are now lower in the second half of the Event Quests to allow for a smoother difficulty curve.
the in modok were 3k UNduped, incredibly easy
now in the senttry they are back at 8 or 9k
Oh thank god. I wasn’t gonna do master this month because it was so boring last month. Thanks for the info
So average PI of 1-2k from last month in chapter 3 to average PI of 8-9k this month is tuned the same?? That doesn't remotely make sense. And its not true. December's Masters quest was like 20x easier than normal.
No it's not. Last month was between 1.5-2k to 8-9k. Really....
@Kabam Miike last month's master level was an auto-fight joke except for the bosses. The pi of each fight is much higher this month. I'm not complaining, it's still really easy, but to say that it is unchanged is just wrong. Did you actually check?
Modok quest last chapter MASTER mode, we were facing champs of 2500 to 3000, but bosses of 14K-17K
This time it's paths of 7000 plus PI.
I don't mind the difficulty, and I'm not complaining at all because it's still easy enough, but it is INDEED much harder than it was in December.
This is my bad, I ended up giving Miike some bad information accidentally. Sorry for the confusion. Hotel M.O.D.O.K. had lower PI's than The Age of The Sentry. However, Age of Sentry is more in line with where the PIs will be in the foreseeable future. I should of communicated the shift in difficulty in the Sentry forum post, so apologies for that.
Difficulty of the Monthly Event Quest is something we keep a close eye on and are always tweaking, we'll be sure to discuss anymore changes like this, big or small, in the forum post announcing the quest. Your feedback also always helps, so let us know here on the forums how the difficulty feels and what you think of the changes.
Its much better this month.. Last month was crazy low
The global nodes in Master are not "Increase health and attack by 300%". The difference in PI was so significant your explanation is simple but incorrect.