Why Iceman/Magic not caped at 5/5 . Curse scaling of bonus HP

Kabam . You said that you wanted to implement flat values that stay at max rank 5/5 .
Scaling abilities Prevented you from Creating Content you said. You said it will benefit us in a long run .
How is ok to have Iceman that takes half of your hp away . You put him blocking the end of the level . Hero with next to no counters (um groot?) that scales like a ******* on a node . Why is Iceman , regular hero harder than most bosses .
Why do you have Bane Curse that scales of bonus node health for enemy . Should it not be of enemy max rank heath since we do not gey extra healing from buffs anymore .
Why do you have Heros like Magic that keeps scaling?
Where are those ****** flat values that are caped at maximum rank .
Scaling abilities Prevented you from Creating Content you said. You said it will benefit us in a long run .
How is ok to have Iceman that takes half of your hp away . You put him blocking the end of the level . Hero with next to no counters (um groot?) that scales like a ******* on a node . Why is Iceman , regular hero harder than most bosses .
Why do you have Bane Curse that scales of bonus node health for enemy . Should it not be of enemy max rank heath since we do not gey extra healing from buffs anymore .
Why do you have Heros like Magic that keeps scaling?
Where are those ****** flat values that are caped at maximum rank .
I think you're confused here. When there were adjustments made to flat values, the only ability that changed to be based on Base stats instead of boosted Stats was Regeneration. Abilities reliant on Modified Attack still scale with the modifiers.
How about abilities that directly take out your health stay at 5/5 rank ?
Just a suggestion. Prevents us from creating content. Puts Iceman in a choke point knowingly.
There should not be any uncounterable abilities in the game .
Yea you removed Regenerating scaling , only to replace it with even worse mechanics like Iceman. I could heal block , I cannot do **** against Iceman . It is the same problem as OP regeneration and should not exist in the game .
There are Bleed immune heros.
There are Poison immune heros .
How many heros can remove Buffs agaist Iceman ? How many of them are not Skill heros ? 2 ?
Who here thinks this is good content ? Nobody
You putting Iceman in a choke point is an insult . It has nothing to do with how you play to game
Invisible Elektros in event ? Random 18000 ambushes ? For 1 T4 catalyst ?
We complained about Regeneration because it was often out of our control.
Replacing it with uncontrollable Scaling Node damage. Is the same **** problem
The worst part is that you taking advantage of it . Magic and Iceman did not make it into a choke point by accident.
I think I'm tilting at windmills here, but I'll take a shot anyway.
The OP appears to be confused between the changes to flat values and the change to single rank ability. I believe he believes for some reason that the change to single rank ability was supposed to apply some kind of diminishing returns cap on abilities like Coldsnap, even though what single rank ability actually does is *increase* the strength of all abilities to their maximum potential without the need for ranking.
I'm pretty sure I even understand the root of the complaint, but understanding it doesn't help solve it because it is an unresolveable issue. The OP is upset about certain elements of the game difficulty and is trying to articulate the belief that if the devs are going to change the game mechanics to ensure that players cannot build levels of power that the devs find unacceptable, those same rules should constrain the game designers equally to prevent conceptually unpalatable obstacles from being added to the game that operate against the players.
You can pass that along to the dev team if you like, but we both know where that complaint ultimately goes.
If we allowed Kabam to have their way "
Bleed heros would still be useless in Wars do to willpower
OP healing would still scale in wars . You think it was Kabam's idea . We were asking for it for years
We would not have gotten anything for Suicide mastery nerf
Kabam would still be hiding skill stats and cost ( Um Resonate)
We would not have gotten increased rewards during change
I know those changes were for healing . Just because they fix one thing does not excuse them from abusing another of the same node buffs .
Iceman and magic mechanics are clearly beeing abused. It is not a question of what happened before . Directly taking of health rapidly should not be a thing for developers to play with .
Please . I was posting to remove regeneration scaling since the wars started. I never said damage abilities were included in the patch . My point is that the core of the problem did not change which is Node scaling abusive mechanics that player has little control over.
You can't say we helped you by removing super healing but added super direct damage later . Both are part of kabam abusing uncontrollable mechanics. Direct Damage is even worse than healing since you could healblock .
Now Kabam wants us to do explore Chapter 2 full of cheats basically for 1 Class catalyst.
That was not my intended meaning. I mean: you can't ask the devs to constrain their design rules to the same degree as those rules constrain the players. That's an unrealistic view of what game design is.
There is something to be said for the devs actually obeying a set of design rules that honor certain conventions on what acceptable content is, but that is a very sophisticated discussion to have in a forum where the devs are blamed for deliberately causing bugs to make money the devs never see, or are accused of specifically informing players about internal game changes the players would never otherwise know about, then lie about what those changes actually do.
Personally, I think the point to non-PvP games (which this game mostly is on the base level) is for the game designer to create challenges that they've also given the players the opportunity to build a strategy to overcome. I don't think Kabam always does a good job of doing that. But there seems to be a serious disconnect between the players and Kabam as to what a "counter" is, as in a counter-move tactic. I don't think how either side uses the term is especially useful.
Dodge,Power Gain,Safeguard . We have heros that counter those , you can prepare yourself . I did not feel cheated in that event.
What do you do against magic or Iceman . There are no perfect answers. Might as well make a node that says pay 3 revives and progress.
Since when is it ok to have Degeneration that is 5 times as powerful. I call it for what it is , BS
So, just try some new strategies before hating on the champion. It's not Magik that's OP it is mystic dispersion. Until they buff up the other class specific masteries to that level it will always be a must have in AW.