Unable to login on android devices

So I redownloaded mcoc on my phone which is android, I also play on my apple ipad. I can login to my account perfectly fine on my iPad but it’s not allowing me to login on my android phone. Let me know if anyone else is having this problem. Pls kabam fix this, I though my account got hacked and almost had a panic attack(that was before I checked on my iPad)
Can you provide more details about the issue that you are encountering when trying to sign in on your Android device? Is it having and issue with your User and Pass? Is there an issue after you enter your information?
All it’s saying after I enter my email, is “Enter a valid email”
I know I’m enetering it correctly because I wrote it down a never changed it
Forged to fight is no longer an issue. Got it to work
If you are able to confirm that you are able to log in with a Kabam ID, and still unable to log into your Android device. Then you will need to reach out to our Support Team for further Assistance.
I was just typing my email in wrong.