Just verifying that Domino is "working as intended"...



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  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,198 ★★★★★
    edited June 2018
    Thank God, we finally got back to the topic.

    I think we've established that Domino is having effects that were probably unintended, and that don't really make sense, like critical failures for abilities the champion didn't have yet (like Limbo 'failing' to trigger with power thresholds in an unduped Magik).

    What we haven't really talked about is what could be done to mollify what is an overpowering - and absurdly unfair - signature ability; although @DNA3000 did comment a while back about the likely difficulty of re-coding the ability from scratch.

    So, how about adding thoughts/suggestions below to help make this a more constructive thread once again?

    1 - just redefine the signature ability to only apply to situations where the ability has a certain (adjusted) chance to trigger. i.e. critical failure only arises for abilities with an adjusted likelihood of 10% or higher.

    2 - redefine the ability so that critical failure has a chance to trigger that scales with Sig level (like Black Bolts Sig, which doesn't trigger with every critical hit).

    3 - Invert the likelihood of an ability failure being punished: The chance of triggering an energy debuff could very easily be recoded to vary inversely with the initial ability accuracy; so that abilities with a chance below zero have a very high likelihood not to trigger critical failure, whilst something with initial 100% ability accuracy that fails will almost always trigger a debuff. If this was done, there would be no need for a cool-down/diminishing returns effect; and it would also more accurately reflect 'luck' rather than just statistical probability.

    4 - completely rework the ability to be something different, like 'any time Domino would suffer an adverse effect, it has a xx% chance to affect her opponent instead'; or 'Domino's lucky/unlucky effects have up to +50% duration and potency'.

    I'm sure there are other possibilities. Let's hear them!
  • Armaganon00Armaganon00 Member Posts: 741 ★★
    If she is lucky you cant evade specials.
  • IronFist34IronFist34 Member Posts: 386 ★★
    Hey everyone, to answer the question about masteries, she is able to activate Critical Failure from a mastery failing to activate, so if the Stun from Parry or the Critical Rating buff from Dexterity don’t activate, this will activate her signature ability. We have given your feedback about it to the rest of the team though.

    What about eating a special in the face because dexterity failed to work? That's ridiculous
  • EvilRazorEvilRazor Member Posts: 143
    I'm getting wrecked using Stark Spidey against Domino.
    Even if I am holding block, the passive evade fails sometimes and it release me block, because it should evade but don't. That's common when she lands SP1, and I am too close :(
    So sad
  • mostlyharmlessnmostlyharmlessn Member Posts: 1,388 ★★★★
    SuperFarz wrote: »
    Annoying last 2 pages about connection. All the people that replied are all helping in getting no answer. I am very interested in how a 0% chance to trigger can STILL count as a trigger. Some great examples have been given. How this champion got approved by QA is baffling. One day of testing was already enough for us to show that there is something wrong. Again it’s the community’s job to keep providing more evidence when this should not even happen in the first place. Step it up Kabam, terrible management.

    It's because they do not do user acceptance testing.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,451 ★★★★★
    In an effort to get this back on track, I think most of us have taken a look at her description and still find it incomplete given what we experience in game.

    Particularly, it seems borderline absurd for an event with a 0% chance to trigger to be affected by Domino’s luck when it doesn’t trigger. That’s not luck—it’s a certainty.

    Additionally, there appear to be events that trigger damage and it’s not clear what the triggering event actually was. Is it masteries? Is it something else?

    In these and other scenarios, most posters in this and the stickied threads simply want responses from the team (also known as “customer service”) because we aren’t privy to code, intended design mechanics or any of the discussions that went into making Domino.

    The frustration comes from the very limited interchange between forums posters and game team on this one.

    In a nutshell, I think that’s it: just exhibit a willingness to dish out guidance and information to your customers based on the game team’s knowledge of the champ and her mechanics. With few exceptions, that’s what we are looking for here.

    Dr. Zola
  • mostlyharmlessnmostlyharmlessn Member Posts: 1,388 ★★★★
    Hey everyone, to answer the question about masteries, she is able to activate Critical Failure from a mastery failing to activate, so if the Stun from Parry or the Critical Rating buff from Dexterity don’t activate, this will activate her signature ability. We have given your feedback about it to the rest of the team though.

    So you put her on an immune node and it's all over....

  • 0chris9999999990chris999999999 Member Posts: 137
    Okay, this is becoming borderline offensive. Borderline because I really don't take much personally. Still, it's not appropriate to keep implying I'm trying to shut anything down just because I'm giving my opinion.
    Demanding answers isn't going to make them come any faster. You can't say she appears to be broken and in the same breath claim you don't understand how she works. I was in the process of trying to shed some understanding on it, but it's pretty impossible to do that when people are just taking their frustrations out on me. It's really rather difficult to consider anything, much less form thoughts.
    It's not my fault if people are offended by her existence. It's actually rather difficult to discern if people are looking for answers to understand her, or just venting.
    You say I keep repeating the same thing over and over, but I'm going on what's already provided. If all you want is to have a Thread where you just demand answers from a Mod, good luck with that response. Personally, I'd rather try to understand than wait for something official to dispute.

    Borderline offensive? So it’s not offensive to see you purposefully wreck threads over the years? Mods will not respond as long as we keep talking to this dude. Facts
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  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,198 ★★★★★
    Thank you @DrZola.
    Mninobody wrote: »
    If they nerf her now, how would hey handle compensating the people who put out for her and ranked her up because of current ability? I don’t have her but can imagine that panic if it was the case. I think Kabam have painted themselves in a corner they haven’t proven in the past they have the knowledge, care, service or communication skills to deal with currently.

    If it was handled quickly, people buying her at the present moment can hardly claim that they were unaware there were problems under investigation.

    Alternately, if a decision on this lingers for weeks, people who have used resources on her could legitimately demand some compensation if/when she is adjusted for balance.

    Some sort of announcement to this effect could stave off a portion of the predictable discontent in the future.
  • rockykostonrockykoston Member Posts: 1,505 ★★★★
    Even when all the ISSUES (BUGS) are Correct for Domino and she IS a pain to fight against, we will have to learn to fight her for now. In my experience,

    1) Don't use champs who proc abilities ie Evade champs, Angela, Doc oc, AA etc
    2) Use hard hitting champs, if you can, to end fights quickly. This is the only point why you'd want to bypass Point 1.
    3) Improve your evade/intercept/Bait Heavy/ Bait special game. All her moves are easy to evade once you get used to them.
    4) NEVER EVER Parry. Because it will trigger Degen and also the Block break bug will get you wrecked.
    5) Don't worry about all effects that she's proc'ing, keep playing your natural game (with the proper champ) and you'll get her.

    To me she seems squishy and I was able to string together a 70 hit combo with 4/40 Unduped Ghost Rider, which brought her down (MERC MISSION BOSS). Hit her enough times and she'l go down easy.

    My recommended champs (Point 3 and 4 are applicable while fighting with all these champs) -
    Mephisto - SP1 is really useful. Don't wait for the souls to give you regen, it won't work 90% of the time.
    Hyperion - SP1 and hit hard. If you get furies somehow, then SP2 or SP3
    Ghost Rider - Don't use any specials.
    Vision AOU

    As a community, since the mods are not paying attention, we can try to help each other by giving constructive suggestions for now. Let's wreck Domino.
  • rockykostonrockykoston Member Posts: 1,505 ★★★★
    Even when all the ISSUES (BUGS) are Correct for Domino and she IS a pain to fight against, we will have to learn to fight her for now. In my experience,

    1) Don't use champs who proc abilities ie Evade champs, Angela, Doc oc, AA etc
    2) Use hard hitting champs, if you can, to end fights quickly. This is the only point why you'd want to bypass Point 1.
    3) Improve your evade/intercept/Bait Heavy/ Bait special game. All her moves are easy to evade once you get used to them.
    4) NEVER EVER Parry. Because it will trigger Degen and also the Block break bug will get you wrecked.
    5) Don't worry about all effects that she's proc'ing, keep playing your natural game (with the proper champ) and you'll get her.

    To me she seems squishy and I was able to string together a 70 hit combo with 4/40 Unduped Ghost Rider, which brought her down (MERC MISSION BOSS). Hit her enough times and she'l go down easy.

    My recommended champs (Point 3 and 4 are applicable while fighting with all these champs) -
    Mephisto - SP1 is really useful. Don't wait for the souls to give you regen, it won't work 90% of the time.
    Hyperion - SP1 and hit hard. If you get furies somehow, then SP2 or SP3
    Ghost Rider - Don't use any specials.
    Vision AOU

    As a community, since the mods are not paying attention, we can try to help each other by giving constructive suggestions for now. Let's wreck Domino.
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